As I've decided I'm collecting artwork of my self, I'd post the images here as I like to change my signature, but love my art.
 By: Mikukins
 By: Aos Altair
 By: Dark-Dragon-Kyra
 By: nara girl
 By: c h i r u d e s u
 By: Ajisu
 By: LittleSardines
 By: Irridecent_Puddle
 By: HardcoreMonkeyButt
 By: Chimerism
 By: Mewmouse
 By: Littleman
 By: seichinoyami
 By: tinker checkers
 By: Giver of Art Freebies
 By: Zan Alluxrai
 By: Cylem
 By: Mistress Rabbit
 By: Mewmouse
 By: Mewmouse
Following art is commissioned from deviantArt users, don't look on here for them!
 By: Mikuo
 By: glyfy
 By: Sikobi-Oturo
 By: kura-ou
 By: kura-ou
Oh hay, this is her description. smile
Appearance: She is a female, young adult looking around 15-25 years old most of the time, depending on her mood. Her body type is slender, but not yet thin, and is slightly taller than average in height. She has long white hair that hangs straight down to around her mid-lower back. Her eyes are a golden yellow, and are slit much like a feline. She has wolf ears, tail, and feet that gradually blend into humanoid looking legs about mid-shin. Her wolf fur is white, like her hair. In her ears, she has three earrings. Two are in her left ear (a stud and a ring), and one is in her right (stud only). Her earrings are a plain silver/gray color.
In addition to having wolf ears/tail/feet, she has wings that she can will to appear and disappear. They are white, with a golden yellow edge on her primary feathers. When she has them out, they usually are fairly small (say six feet in diameter), appearing much to small for practical use. However, she can control their size, and will make them grow should she desire to fly.
Old Outfit: She wears a black sleeveless shirt that hugs her front up and down completely up to her neck, but has no back except at the very base, right above her pants line, and the very top, around her neck. The front tends to be a bit short on the width, and cuts across her in a way that shows off her sides. In addition to the shirt, she wears a pair of wide sleeves that start off narrow at the top of her arms and bellow out towards her hands. Her pants are fairly simple, just a pair of blue jeans that are slightly loose towards her feet. She wears no shoes.
New Outfit: Basically this with some minor alterations.
Personality: Ulfhade is often described as friendly-mischievous, in regards to people she likes. She has no problem harassing those she is interested in, and will happily follow them around over a few years until she gets bored, popping in and out of their lives at that time. If there are other people around her reactions to them tend to depend on those she's interested in. If the person cares deeply for the other people, she will tolerate them, and sometimes warm up to them if her interest is gained. If her interest isn't gained, she'll simply tolerate them, unless they anger her, and then she'll either leave the group, or follow in a disguise so as to not interact with the individual. If its someone that the person she's interested cares for only a little, or not at all, she won't care at all for them. If they anger her, she's likely to attack them, though probably without intent to kill. She enjoys it when the people she's interested in are happy, but only when she's happy. Because of this she is a bit selfish, even if she is happy most of the time. She does not care much for humans as a whole, because she considers them to be inferior as a species. While she does consider them inferior, she also realizes that they are not to be underestimated, which she has been known to do once or twice. Ulfhade doesn't tell anything solid about herself; not her real name, nor her age, family, history... If asked, she skirts around the answer, or just flat out refuses to tell.
Family and Powers: She has a father, Fenrir, and a mother, Phoenix. Her wolfish traits come from her father, and her control over the fire element (and wings) from her mother. She has one brother, Hati. He tends to shift between canine and avian form, depending on his mood. Ulfhade is much more fired up in personality than her calm brother, or quiet mother. In this, she takes after her father. She has the ability to shapeshift from her grandfather Loki. Because of this, she can act out multiple roles on her whims. As her parents are deities, she and her brother both are lesser deities. This means that she cannot directly interfere with the lives of mortals, which is why when she follows around people, she simply follows and offers advice, leaving them to make their own decisions. However, if called by her true name, mortals can summon her (Think Final Fantasy) and then can she directly interfere with the lives of others. She is bound then to the summoners will, and must do as they say, regardless of her wants. Because of this, she does not give out her true name. When summoned she takes the form of a gigantic white wolf with avian attributes (wings, feathers among fur). She chose the name Ulfhade as a shortened form of Ulheonar/Ulfhednar*-Nordic beserkers who worshiped the wolf. Those who try to guess her true name will find that by the hints she'll occasionally slip, but it isn't her true name. Her true name is Skoll.
why is this so old, ugh seriously
*The real Nordic beserkers didn't actually worship wolves. They just wore wolf pelts instead of bear pelts. =)
Ulfheonar Shapechanger · Mon Jul 06, 2009 @ 03:26am · 0 Comments |