Name :: Louis Alexander
User :: Karime Blackwing
Age :: 23
Gender :: Male
Sexuality :: Gay
Bio :: Louis (pronounced 'Louie') was born under then name 'Louis Wade' and had been in an orphanage from his infancy. Being an orphan didn't bother him. He'd always been told to be grateful that he was even alive. And the young boy was. He was more than content with his simple life with the other children of the orphanage.
When Louis was in elementary school, he blew his teachers away with an advanced understanding of history and mathematics. He began taking high school, and even college based courses in areas where he excelled. During this time, his accomplishments caught the eye of a particular businessman. Harold Alexander, for that was he mans name, was the editor in chief of an immensely popular magazine called 'The View.' The publication was international, however an economic downturn had tossed the magazine asunder, and the company was struggling. Harold Alexander was a widower with no children, and so when he found out about Louis, immediately set to adopting him. Louis was timid and skeptical at first, overcome with all of the sudden turns his life had taken. However his adoptive father spared no expense on Louis education, having him sit with private tutors to further his already impressive ability. Through living with Harold, Louis' eyes were opened to an entire world that he'd never encountered before. The outside was amazing! Louis didn't know how he'd ever been content as he had once been, with so little. He has never been content since. As soon as he hit sixteen, he leapt into his father's business with a fiery passion, a drive to make it better, flourish brighter, and bring the publication to life. He became very interested in fashion, the latest trends and most common terminology. Putting all that he knew to work, Louis and Harold not only brought the magazine back to life, twice as popular as it had been (with virtual pages and an interactive website!) but the duo actually took the company in a hostile takeover. This was accomplished by the time Louis was twenty. When he was twenty-one, there was a horrible incident. The source was never identified, but an assassin appeared at one of the fashion showings that Harold and Louis were attending, and shot Harold through the skull. He was killed instantly. Louis would have been dead himself, had the assassin not been greedy and held the boy for ransom. Apparently he wasn't getting paid enough to kill them. But police took the culprit down with a single, careful shot, and Louis was saved. It has been two years since that day, and Louis pretends it never happened. He hates it when anyone mentions his fathers name (he's fired more than one secretary for prying) and can have a very short temper. However, for the most part, Louis acts very upbeat, constantly upping his ratings
for 'The View' and going to fashion shows and art exhibitions.
Desired Model :: cleaning, pda
Desired Apps :: maybe a few emotion add ons, and plenty of storage for business information.
Desired Gender :: Male
Appearance ::
User :: Karime Blackwing
Age :: 23
Gender :: Male
Sexuality :: Gay
Bio :: Louis (pronounced 'Louie') was born under then name 'Louis Wade' and had been in an orphanage from his infancy. Being an orphan didn't bother him. He'd always been told to be grateful that he was even alive. And the young boy was. He was more than content with his simple life with the other children of the orphanage.
When Louis was in elementary school, he blew his teachers away with an advanced understanding of history and mathematics. He began taking high school, and even college based courses in areas where he excelled. During this time, his accomplishments caught the eye of a particular businessman. Harold Alexander, for that was he mans name, was the editor in chief of an immensely popular magazine called 'The View.' The publication was international, however an economic downturn had tossed the magazine asunder, and the company was struggling. Harold Alexander was a widower with no children, and so when he found out about Louis, immediately set to adopting him. Louis was timid and skeptical at first, overcome with all of the sudden turns his life had taken. However his adoptive father spared no expense on Louis education, having him sit with private tutors to further his already impressive ability. Through living with Harold, Louis' eyes were opened to an entire world that he'd never encountered before. The outside was amazing! Louis didn't know how he'd ever been content as he had once been, with so little. He has never been content since. As soon as he hit sixteen, he leapt into his father's business with a fiery passion, a drive to make it better, flourish brighter, and bring the publication to life. He became very interested in fashion, the latest trends and most common terminology. Putting all that he knew to work, Louis and Harold not only brought the magazine back to life, twice as popular as it had been (with virtual pages and an interactive website!) but the duo actually took the company in a hostile takeover. This was accomplished by the time Louis was twenty. When he was twenty-one, there was a horrible incident. The source was never identified, but an assassin appeared at one of the fashion showings that Harold and Louis were attending, and shot Harold through the skull. He was killed instantly. Louis would have been dead himself, had the assassin not been greedy and held the boy for ransom. Apparently he wasn't getting paid enough to kill them. But police took the culprit down with a single, careful shot, and Louis was saved. It has been two years since that day, and Louis pretends it never happened. He hates it when anyone mentions his fathers name (he's fired more than one secretary for prying) and can have a very short temper. However, for the most part, Louis acts very upbeat, constantly upping his ratings
for 'The View' and going to fashion shows and art exhibitions.
Desired Model :: cleaning, pda
Desired Apps :: maybe a few emotion add ons, and plenty of storage for business information.
Desired Gender :: Male
Appearance ::