I couldn't help but not put that Picture there.Well Everyone else has their rants and Now it's Time for myne. After 2-3 years of being on Gaia All the little small things become a lot of Built up teen-age rage. And I believe now would be my time to express them. This journal isn't for others entertainment. But I believe writing out your problems can solve alot of troublesome. Some of my Rants may have nothing to do with Gaia At All. Lets start off Shall we?
[Rant 1: Cyber Bully]
So one day you and your friends are off somewhere,Just Chillin and then Comes some Jack a** to ruin your day. I HATE When People decide to start s**t with my friends or I. It's completely And Utterly Pointless. I especially hate when someone goes "Give me your address, Well settle this Now" When you both know you live across the Country. I mean Come on, that Fight's Never gonna happen unless you like spending your life Going around the glob to beat people's Asses Then Sure, Fine by me. But Be logical People. It's not gonna Happen. End of Story. Now if someone's Deciding to Pick on my Friends or I, I will Step in a Defend. I won't Back down. My friends Mean everything to Me. Of course there's always Play fights But Never Anything Serious has really Happened. . .
[Rant 2: False Accusations]
Pt 1: I Hate HATE Being accused of Coping. I've Never once copied another Person's Avi Except my Twinny's, But that's Different. And If I Do Copy your Avi, it's Just me Being Silly and Appearing next to you in a rally looking exactly like you to scare you. But NEVER Have I once copied someone's Avi and Claimed it as my Own. EVER. The Main reason for this Little rant is because i had some Trouble in being accused of copying someone Else's Avi, WITCH I DID NOT. It was they Who Copied me and Claimed it as their own and then Accused me of Copying them. Not saying Names. Leave it at that.
Pt 2: Now they're are alot of Hinata's Running around these Days, Some Who decide to look like me and Run around saying things that I did not say, But Yet Being accused of those things. If I ever say something, I will Admit it. But if I never said what ever's been said Then I won't Admit to Something I didn't Do. So make sure you read names So we don't have a Huge Mis-understanding.
[Rant 3: Name Raiding]
Well we all like to change are names once in a While. Some of us change are names more then 3 times a Week. See what I hate is that, for say I'm in a Rally And you've Decided to change your name for the 392392th time. Well then you come up to me, I unknowingly knowing who you are. And you Say "Hey Know who I am?" And If I Say "Did you change your name, If so No" And Then People get Offended that I didn't know who they we're. You can't Expect someone to know who you are right off the bat if you change your name So many Damn Times. So please, Next time Just Stick with the name you got or Leave me a comment Saying "Hey It's So&So I changed my name for the 100th time."
[Rant 4: Stolen Identity]
Okay My Name, Hinata Flavored Condom, Very Catchy Right? Very memorable And Easy to find me isn't that So? Well I guess it was So Catchy that One day While I was in Towns Just sitting with some friends, A Sasuke Flavored Condom Decided to Pop up (The Current Sasuke Flavored Condom Is someone I Know). So I figured "Eh Oh Well.." But no That wasn't all. Next thing you know a Naruto Flavored Condom Decided to Pop up and Then I hear alot of people Saying they're gonna change their Name to So&So Flavored Condom. Well I dis-Liked that Very Much. It got on my nerves that all these people we're beginning to copy my name. My name is the only name that is an Anime Character Flavored Condom. I didn't want my Name to Be Cliche all of a Sudden. So people, Come up with your own names be Sides "________ Flavored Condom"
[Rant 5: How does that make you Feel?]
Pt 1: Judging by the Title of this rant. You know it has something to do with Therapist Right? Well it Does. I hate Therapist! I remember when I was 10 I had to go to a Therapist because My anger issues we're so Bad that I could barely pronounce English Words. Well I went to a Therapist to Get Anger Help and You know how the Therapist isn't Suppose to tell your parents ANYTHING? Well my Therapist, Dr.Humbuger, Did. It got me in trouble. So Soon I realized that She was Telling my parents this stuff and I soon began to Not talk the whole 3 hours I was there. I soon told the head/manager thingy pf the place that she was revealing personal Info And I Finally got her Fired and all the money Returned.
Pt 2: So when I was really Young,About 2, I was moved off to Italy to stay with my Relatives Until I became 6. They had taught me Italian And that's All I knew at the Time. Soon I was then back to America with my Family and they decided to help teach me English and send me to the Worst Speech therapist ever! Susan. If I ever messed up on a Or slurred. My parents gave her the right to punish me. And she did so. Mainly just a Smack on the Hands is all But Still I hated Susan! And now my little brother has her and I feel Terrible. And that is the reason why i hate any Therapist Ever. D:<
[Rant 6: A Stupid Question]
This Question Really Annoys me the most. I bet you all can Guess yes? It's the all Mighty "H3y Do U Lik3 Th3 Anime Naruto3?" GAH THAT ANNOYS ME SO MUCH! I can't Stand it. Okay So I'll be in a Rally Labeled "Naruto_Shippuden_BlahBlah" And Yet my name Say's HINATA Flavored Condom. And I'll be With friends like Sakura Ino Sasuke Violet.(LOL) IN MY COSPLAY. And Someone Decides to come up to me and Ask "Hey do you like the Anime Naruto, CAUSE I DO! And Usually My Reply Would go Something like this. "Okay READ my name WHAT Does that Tell YOU?!" Or Like "No I absolutely Hate Naruto. Gayest Show Ever. I especially Hate Hinata,She's Such a b***h!" I Absolutely HATE When People ask Stupid Questions Like that. =___=
[Rant 7: Let me Barrow that Top.]
Okay So Usually I have these OOC (Out of Cosplay) Avatars. I do Layered Avi's. My Favorite Kinds. I'm never a Simple person when It comes to putting these Avi's Together. It takes me LONG time to tektek these Things. But what I hate is when People ask if They can Barrow my Avi Ideas. Really Annoying.
[Rant 8: Please Sir,May I have Some more?]
Pt 1:This here rant has to do with Donations. Not that I have a Problem with Donating to my Friends WHEN I WANT TO. See I Dislike the Fact that that people constantly come up to me and Ask for Donations. I am Not your National Savings Bank where you think you can Withdraw Money whenever. I'll donate on my Own time No Need to ask me.
Pt 2: Another thing I hate is when People ask for Donations from people with less money when They're Filthy Rich. And that's Not even the reason Why. See it's not fair when I see people like Rich people asking for Donations. But when you ask them for a Donation, They Go bazurk! They yell at you and tell you to GTFO. And it's Unfair and Rude. I myself dislike getting Donations. I'd Rather Give then Receive. 3nodding
[Rant 9: What's Love got to Do with it?]
So Yes as you read the Title. I wanna point out that Love Has lot to do with it Now-a-days. People I see tend to get mad if they See someone With a Gaia Boyfriend and What Not. Well I Believe that you should leave that person to their own Personal Life and Stop Snoopin Around peoples Business. Sure it's okay if you Don't like the fact of Online Dating. But keep it to yourself. It hurts peoples Feelings.
[Rant 10: And it just goes on & on & on &. . .]
Haha Believe it or not this is my Last rant. I just wanna point out that I HATE Typing long a** stuff like this. LOL. Well I'm Done for Now. We'll see how far Gaia get's me in the next 4832914821 Years. xD!

Now I rest.
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