"Just wait and you'll find love."
"There's someone out there for you."
Two little sentences that I always hear sometimes I don't mind depending who it comes from. I have always wanted someone speical that I could love and hold. Someone that can take on my hormones, my kind of hummor, my addictions, an someone who will always love me. When they say forever it means longer then a few months. I guess for me I just have "Rent and Return To Heart Break Insanity Aslyum."
I feel a lot of the time it's hopeless for me to find love for many reasons. One being that I am not the cutest girl in the world, two being I'm a freak, three being I'm "too" diffrent, four my age, five my impaitence for love, six being that there is no one out there for me. I think my soul mate was ran over or something must have happend. I think I'm good the way I am and I at least act like I'm not desprate. (Which I am, I'll admit.) It's mostly the fact that I'm not a waiter and the fact that I won't change.
Even when I do change myself around for more then a few weeks I get no chemaistry with anyone or they like me but yet it's someone else. I guess the only thing I'm considered to people is a negtive, non-paitent, slob who can't get anything done right.
Sometimes I'll catch myself staring at couples at the malls holding hands and a forming on my face. (Then I run into the nearest store and hide so they don't nottice I'm staring because that's creepy.) They have all the right in the world to show effection and I have to be so jealous. I know it's only human to be jealous and that yes the most likely is more single people in the world then couples but it feels like the other way around.
I'm sick of being considered a inpaitent teenager but yet no matter how many times I tell and train myself to be paitent it does not work. Some think I want a relationship too much and they are probably right. I just don't know how to change my ways in a effective way though or get someone speical to love me.
When I have someone speical I'd give an arm or leg for them if they needed it. Learn how to cook for them and I know how to clean so I'd do that. I'd do almost anything for my someone speical. If it was a long distance relationship which I have been plenty of times I'd find ways to make it work.
Something always has to go wrong though and blow up in my face for me not to have a relationship that will stay as if we are attachted to each other.
I wish I'd either stop whining which I could start now but this is my venting rant. While I'm on my soap box I'd like to point out that there must be some good quilaty about me that makes me likeable and what loveable.
Let me explain about who I am.
Whats your name: Cassie.
Just a number: 16
Your getting old now: April 16th
Show off that body:

Tell me all about your favorites:
TV Shows: The Golden Girls, The Marvouls Missadventures of FlapJack, Chowder, The Batman.
Foods: Pizza, Chicken Nuggets, Cheese Burgers, French Fries, Meatloaf, Cheese & Crackers with Pepperoni, Grilled Cheese.
Posions: Orange Soda and Fruit Punch
Animals: Rats, Ducks, Badgers, Cats, Dogs, Penguins, Bunny's, Seals.
Animes: Yu-Gi-Oh, Inuyasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Ninja Nonsence, Azumanga Daioh, Sailor Moon, Hamtaro, Sasami, Hell Girl, Death Note.
Manga's: Yu-Gi-Oh, i luv Halloween, Dr.Slump, Hollow Fields, Hell Girl, My Girlfriend X, Desaga.
Movies: Freddy VS Jason, Theif And The Cobbler, Pans Labyrinth, Labyrinth, The Dark Nigh, Monty Python movie seires, Alice in Wonderland.
Shops: Hot Topic, Clairs, Barns & Nobles, FYE, NewBerry Comics.
Smell: Midnight's Summer Dream.
Placeses: The Mall, My Bedroom, The Zoo, Arcades, The Movies.
Books: The Inkheart Seires, Missing Abby, The Anita Blake seires, Do Come In, Alice in Wonderland, The Looking Glass Wars Seires.
Bands & Artists: Cold, Breaking Benjamin, Within Temptation, Hypnogaja, Evanesence, Nickel Back, Rammestin, Rob Zombie, Saliva, Seether, Lollipop Lust, Kelly Clarkson, ICP, P!nk, 3 Days Grace, Three Doors Down, Hinder, System Of A Down, Panic At The Disco, Avril Lavigne, Gwen Stafani, Serj Tankan.
Favorite Songs:
I'd Come For You- Nickle Back
Hero- Nickle Back
My Last Breath- Evansence
Missing- Evansence
October- Evansence
Chop Suey- System Of A Down
Deer Dance- System Of A Down
Every Day- Jessie Danials
Ohne Dich- Rammestine
Lullaby- Hypnogaja
Cure My Tragedy- Cold
More about me:
I live with my family and to be honest I'm not a very independent person but I am trying. I love animals and hope to work at the zoo one day. My attention span is as big as a ant but when I really like something I can't get my eyes off that thing or person. To be honest I am a lazy girl. I overly love my room a little too much and spend a lot of time in it. I do play video games and my favorite systems are Game Cube and Nintendo 64. ******** that new s**t, it may be good but it's not like the old stuff. I'm the type of girl that would go for a bad boy or girl which is why I probably go for villans in all of the stories I read and movies I see or TV shows. I could rant on and on if I knew something and you wanted to learn about it. Like the Seven Deadly Sins, I study them.
What I am looking for:
Someone to accept and love me an won't find too many wrongs about me. Someone who's not scared of me and the way I cling onto someone when I love. Someone who will be there for me in their hearts and if I have a long distance relationship they WILL come to see me.
An please stay with me for a real long time and love me.
"There's someone out there for you."
Two little sentences that I always hear sometimes I don't mind depending who it comes from. I have always wanted someone speical that I could love and hold. Someone that can take on my hormones, my kind of hummor, my addictions, an someone who will always love me. When they say forever it means longer then a few months. I guess for me I just have "Rent and Return To Heart Break Insanity Aslyum."
I feel a lot of the time it's hopeless for me to find love for many reasons. One being that I am not the cutest girl in the world, two being I'm a freak, three being I'm "too" diffrent, four my age, five my impaitence for love, six being that there is no one out there for me. I think my soul mate was ran over or something must have happend. I think I'm good the way I am and I at least act like I'm not desprate. (Which I am, I'll admit.) It's mostly the fact that I'm not a waiter and the fact that I won't change.
Even when I do change myself around for more then a few weeks I get no chemaistry with anyone or they like me but yet it's someone else. I guess the only thing I'm considered to people is a negtive, non-paitent, slob who can't get anything done right.
Sometimes I'll catch myself staring at couples at the malls holding hands and a forming on my face. (Then I run into the nearest store and hide so they don't nottice I'm staring because that's creepy.) They have all the right in the world to show effection and I have to be so jealous. I know it's only human to be jealous and that yes the most likely is more single people in the world then couples but it feels like the other way around.
I'm sick of being considered a inpaitent teenager but yet no matter how many times I tell and train myself to be paitent it does not work. Some think I want a relationship too much and they are probably right. I just don't know how to change my ways in a effective way though or get someone speical to love me.
When I have someone speical I'd give an arm or leg for them if they needed it. Learn how to cook for them and I know how to clean so I'd do that. I'd do almost anything for my someone speical. If it was a long distance relationship which I have been plenty of times I'd find ways to make it work.
Something always has to go wrong though and blow up in my face for me not to have a relationship that will stay as if we are attachted to each other.
I wish I'd either stop whining which I could start now but this is my venting rant. While I'm on my soap box I'd like to point out that there must be some good quilaty about me that makes me likeable and what loveable.
Let me explain about who I am.
Whats your name: Cassie.
Just a number: 16
Your getting old now: April 16th
Show off that body:

Tell me all about your favorites:
TV Shows: The Golden Girls, The Marvouls Missadventures of FlapJack, Chowder, The Batman.
Foods: Pizza, Chicken Nuggets, Cheese Burgers, French Fries, Meatloaf, Cheese & Crackers with Pepperoni, Grilled Cheese.
Posions: Orange Soda and Fruit Punch
Animals: Rats, Ducks, Badgers, Cats, Dogs, Penguins, Bunny's, Seals.
Animes: Yu-Gi-Oh, Inuyasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Ninja Nonsence, Azumanga Daioh, Sailor Moon, Hamtaro, Sasami, Hell Girl, Death Note.
Manga's: Yu-Gi-Oh, i luv Halloween, Dr.Slump, Hollow Fields, Hell Girl, My Girlfriend X, Desaga.
Movies: Freddy VS Jason, Theif And The Cobbler, Pans Labyrinth, Labyrinth, The Dark Nigh, Monty Python movie seires, Alice in Wonderland.
Shops: Hot Topic, Clairs, Barns & Nobles, FYE, NewBerry Comics.
Smell: Midnight's Summer Dream.
Placeses: The Mall, My Bedroom, The Zoo, Arcades, The Movies.
Books: The Inkheart Seires, Missing Abby, The Anita Blake seires, Do Come In, Alice in Wonderland, The Looking Glass Wars Seires.
Bands & Artists: Cold, Breaking Benjamin, Within Temptation, Hypnogaja, Evanesence, Nickel Back, Rammestin, Rob Zombie, Saliva, Seether, Lollipop Lust, Kelly Clarkson, ICP, P!nk, 3 Days Grace, Three Doors Down, Hinder, System Of A Down, Panic At The Disco, Avril Lavigne, Gwen Stafani, Serj Tankan.
Favorite Songs:
I'd Come For You- Nickle Back
Hero- Nickle Back
My Last Breath- Evansence
Missing- Evansence
October- Evansence
Chop Suey- System Of A Down
Deer Dance- System Of A Down
Every Day- Jessie Danials
Ohne Dich- Rammestine
Lullaby- Hypnogaja
Cure My Tragedy- Cold
More about me:
I live with my family and to be honest I'm not a very independent person but I am trying. I love animals and hope to work at the zoo one day. My attention span is as big as a ant but when I really like something I can't get my eyes off that thing or person. To be honest I am a lazy girl. I overly love my room a little too much and spend a lot of time in it. I do play video games and my favorite systems are Game Cube and Nintendo 64. ******** that new s**t, it may be good but it's not like the old stuff. I'm the type of girl that would go for a bad boy or girl which is why I probably go for villans in all of the stories I read and movies I see or TV shows. I could rant on and on if I knew something and you wanted to learn about it. Like the Seven Deadly Sins, I study them.
What I am looking for:
Someone to accept and love me an won't find too many wrongs about me. Someone who's not scared of me and the way I cling onto someone when I love. Someone who will be there for me in their hearts and if I have a long distance relationship they WILL come to see me.
An please stay with me for a real long time and love me.