“Could you walk me home?”
It was almost midnight and Katie was tired. She was babysitting her younger cousin Emma, who lived on the next street over. Emma was nine now. And as far as Katie was concerned, completely capable of walking home by herself. But, as usual Katie said yes. She got her coat and walked out the front door with Emma following close behind.
Emma shivered as they passed the abandoned two-story house on corner. Katie rolled her eyes and passed by it quickly without looking into its empty windows. Emma jogged to keep up. Katie hadn’t realized that she was walking so fast. She slowed her pace as they rounded the corner onto Emma’s street. A white car drove past them, it’s headlights blinding Katie momentarily.
“Look” Emma exclaimed, as they neared her house. She pointed at the white car that had passed them a few minutes earlier. It was driving toward them. Katie glanced at the driver as it passed them again. It was a man with dark hair. There was another man in the passenger seat. “They are probably just lost.” She said to Emma. Emma nodded in agreement.
When they reached Emma’s driveway, Katie said “see ya kid” Emma stopped and turned to look at her “You sure you don’t wanna sleep over?” she asked. “No thanks” Katie replied “I’m fine. See you tomorrow” “Ok then” Emma walked up the driveway “See you tomorrow then.” Katie waved to Emma as she paused in the doorway. Emma waved back and Katie turned and began her walk home.
About halfway there, the man in the white car passed her again. She walked quickly as she passed the abandoned house and practically ran up her driveway. She let herself into the empty house (her parents went on vacation together) and began turning on lights. She walked upstairs and locked herself in her room.
As she lay in bed she heard male voices downstairs. “Yes, I’m sure this is the house” one of them said “Now shut up.” Katie jumped out of bed as she heard quiet footsteps on the stairs. She ran to her closet and curled up in the corner, quietly sliding the door closed.
Someone grabbed her doorknob and tried turning it. “Damnit, it’s locked” Katie held her breath as they began banging on her door. “Try this” a voice said. One set of footsteps went down the hall then came back, sprinting. There was a thud and then a loud crack as he crashed through her door and into her room. Katie stayed silent as they searched her room.
She began to relax as the room went silent. Maybe they went in another room she thought to herself. Just then her cell phone vibrated. I’ve had it this whole time?! She screamed in her head. Katie bit her lip as she waited to be discovered. Nothing happened. But just as she reached for her phone, her closet door was wrenched open, revealing a tall, dark haired man. The one from the white car. “Well what do we have here?” he asked as he wrapped his thick fingers around her arm.