Hair : long(down to her knees), white, and straight.
Eyes : Deep and grey/silver
Race : Thinks she's human..but not really sure
Skin : Pale
Height : 5' 2"
Weight : 100lbs.
Sexual Orientation : straight
Weapons : Dagger, Hammer
Dislikes : Dawns hates attention, Animal haters, Meat lovers (she is a vegetarian for a reason), pain, fighting, being serious all the time, know-it-alls, loud noises, guns, cooking, cleaning.
Likes : Being with people animals, having time to herself, animals, singing, writing songs, drawing, painting, guys, darkness, the light, the wilderness, food.
Past : Dawn's past is a cloudy one. She doesn't really remember it.. Because of this, Dawn doesn't have a last name, and the name she has now, is one she chose for herself. However, recently, she lived in the forest, and made friends with the animals around her, so she wouldn't be as lonely. Now, after wandering the forests she ended up.. (insert place here)
errr .. to be finished xD 3nodding

The Papers Say
Dawn Darkfield
The Streets Object And Yell
Dawn, Dawny
The Candles Read
Age 15
Remember The Day
August 5th
Don't Judge
A Family
The Blood Says It All
A positive
The Old Home
An orphanage
The New Home
Dorm 1
What I'm Here For
Roomates : anyone
The Looks
Appearence : Long, straight black hair, dark blue eyes, a light peachy skin tone, slender, and curvy.
Height: 5' 2"
Weight : 110
The Uniform
Sundresses, shorts, tank tops, jeans, halters.. etc.
The Only Truth
To Hide Behind A Mask
Shy, quiet, weak, super smart, innocent.
Straight From The Book
Coming straight from the orphanage, Dawn doesn't really remember much of her past. At the orphanage, the only one she considers to be family is the "mom" of them all. She doesn't know what happened to her birth parents, and is not close to any kid there, because they have all keep finding homes, while she was still there, being regected by all the people looking for kids. She grew up as a lonely child, quiet, innocent, and a depressed, because of her neglected past.
What Comes Naturally
English 3
The Old Language History
Art 4
Why Cupid?
doesn't have one...yet
Its Likeable
Reading, painting, drawing, writing songs, music, arts, being alone.
Its Hateable
Rude people, being close to people, being the center of attention, history of any kind
A Burden
She's super shy, quiet, and is not that talkative. Dawn also always carries her sketchbook with her anywhere she goes.
My Puppet Master
Sweet Yukki