Chris Cauchemar

Age: Sixteen
Race: Gifted Human
Personality: Chris was an easy kind of guy, a comedian with a laid-back lifestyle, except when it came to his sister. Then, he became a little over-protective, as well as a little paranoid. He wouldn't allow her to join the Creed because of his fear he'd lose her like their mom and dad.
Sexuality: Straight Domanatrix, Virgin
Past: Chris was born in Downsville, Louisiana, though he wasn't a hick. Both he and his younger sister were...special. They could both morph into one animal and control one element.
Chris was happy-go-lucky and very laid back in his family situation. Then, disaster struck. His parents and Rave got into a car crash. His parents were dead when the authorities arrived, while Rave only left with one scar.
They moved to Los Angeles with their only living relative, an aunt. Immediately, Chris was pulled into gang relations. Only, the gang was also strange, made up of only 'special' people, with powers.
In Rave's struggle to get involved with the gang as well, she ended up with a guardian, Jagger Drake, AKA Sandman. When the two fell in love, Chris wasn't exactly happy. He didn't leave the city when his sister did.
Written description: Chris was 5'11, with tanned skin and a sports-player's build. One of his eyes was an emerald, while the other was a turquoise. His hair was short and blonde.
Powers: She can control her own energy, which looks like a swirling darkness, as well as the usual vampiric powers.
Characters seen with: Rave.
Song: Fences, Paramore
OverlordLunacy · Wed Jun 10, 2009 @ 10:52pm · 0 Comments |