Belle Morte

Age: Appears Eighteen, is 2,700
Race: Living Succubus Vampire
Personality: Belle was usually a silent one with plenty of self-hatred. While she was intelligent, she had a stubborn streak in her that almost pushed her to stupidity sometimes. She didn't love many people, but those she did love she fiercely protected. Over the years, she had managed to keep her conscience, so she avoided killing at all costs. She had a bit of a trust issue and didn't like the thought of trusting anyone. She would have trusted someone more with her life than her mind or body.
Sexuality: Straight dominatrix or submissive
Past: Belle had a rough past. When she was a young child, a master vampire entered her mind and controled her for a time, making her watch as her hand killed all she held dear. Her village was found several days later burned and destroyed. The master took her in, and raised her in a horrible fashion, finally turning her at the age of 17. She couldn't take it anymore and ran. She spent several centuries merely wandering before she realized that she would have to actually fight for life. Soon after realizing she wanted to live, she found her brother had actually survived the massacre and lived with her former sire, his human servant. Her greatest wish is to free him. In her travels, she came across a human vampire hunter and had do something to stop him from killing her. She offered him immortality, without becoming a vampire, and he took it.
Written description: Belle was about 5'11 with sapphire blue eyes, midnight black hair down to her waist and pale, as all vampires are. She has a slender build. She usually wears black and her hair up, to keep it out of the way.
Powers: She can control her own energy, which looks like a swirling darkness, as well as the usual vampiric powers.
Characters seen with: Zachery, Reign, Konohashie.
Song: Heart-Shaped Glasses, Marilyn Manson
OverlordLunacy · Sat May 30, 2009 @ 08:31am · 0 Comments |