There was a man that is really mad of someone who killed his Wife he search for this killer and one day a mail was drop on his door step that says

???:Hey david i know all about you HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

David:What the who the heck is this and how did he know all about me i need to find that guy.

3 weeks later when he was about to give up then there was a new mail.

???:Ha you moron you cant find me go to the old place at 3014 street the time is 1:00 pm dont be late or you wont know who am i.

David:OK? lets check out were is 3014 street.

At 12:30 pm at the 3014 street at old crimder hotel it looks like going brake or fall.

David:Ok im here and hes not yet here its 12:55 pm

???:Gee you cant wait for just a sec or min.

David:Jake i thought you where dead 3 years ago

Jake:You thought wrong buddy long time nosee

David:Nevermind that how did you know all that

Jake:Well lets just say im a Secret person.

David:Are you telling me your a secret agent from a secret govermet facility.

Jake:Yah.....ER...i mean no....Ok you got me you keep on useing that brain of yours i just want to talk.You can join boss told me so.

David:What why?

Jake:Couse look at this.

David:Where did you get that?

Jake:Im a secret agent and you can be killed for killing a man and join your profile in killing will be erase permanetly and if you dont lets say your history.

David:Alright ill join!

Jake:Good Boss will be happy.

Jake's phone ring's


Boss:Hello its me

Jake:Ow sir great news his joining

Boss:Good bring him in next week we still have our metting with the General.

Jake:Ok sir good bye.

The boss puts down the phone.

David surprised k are you done?

Jake:Yup see you next week.


Jake:Ok bye.

To be Continued Wait for the next Chapter just Pm of Comment on this story.