Mean Girls
During the remaining moments at my school before people loaded on to buses, my neighboring lockermate's girlfriend decided to pull a little joke on me and say that my locker was hers and that I should go away... First off, no one makes the jokes but me, second, she had no idea how easily angry i become... i followed her out to her car with my makeup on and had only 6 items on me, 2 pairs of hand cuffs, two rubber bands, some ductape, and a knife... I told her to walk back into school without a word uttered... She did so, scared out of her mind... I lead her upstairs to the girl's locker room and ordered her to strip... She refused and said she'd rather die... I poked my knife about a milimeter into her throat's skin and said, "Come now, I know that you don't mean that!" She stripped... Down to her bare skin... i found a pipe running from the ground to the roof and i hand cuffed her to the pole with one pair, and her feet to it with the other... HERE'S MY FAVORITE PART!!! Next, i pulled out my knife and carved smiley faces onto both of her wrists... Two nice big eyes and a WIDE GAPING MOUTH!!!... She screamed and reminded me that I forgot to tape her little mouth!!! SILLY ME!!! I silenced her and then placed two tight rubber bands on the upper area of both of her arms... "You might want to hurry out of those cuffs... Those bands are forcing out all of your blood!!! Oh and if you do manage to get out..." I picked up her clothes... "I may not kill you, but i hope your dignity does!!! One last thing... I'm the only Joker around here, b***h..." I slugged her in the face once and left the locker room... The next day... School was cancelled on the account of some freaky murder... Now how did that happen? wink
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