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Auliro's Wonderous World of... Nothing You Care About ^_^
So... I haven't writen it yet so I don't know what this is about. But I like to rant, and ramble, and talk to myself. I suppose those will be major factors. I'm also fond of bragging, cause I'm kinda arrogant, so that will probably be there, too. Wha
Its been awhile
And oh what has happened! Many, many things. Blame my lack of internet time on my lap top. WHICH IS HERE!!!! *does a happy dance.*

So yeah... I've been on it a lot. Started my latest story. Played sims, ya know, the norm. But I've been up to much, much more.

Oh acursed homework, why do you haunt me! Yup that's one problem.

Then colleges, that's the second.

Then running start. Which I've decided to do. But just for English. You know that b***h of a teacher I was talking about? I was PMSing (another reason not to write, I don't focus well that time of the month) and she pissed me off real bad, so I went to my counciler and said get me the hell out of that class, minus the hell, because I think he would have minded. But he said the only way is running start. So ta da, I signed up.

But I have to wait till the 29th to register. I'm worried the class I want will be filled by then. That would royally suck.

What else, you ask? Oh, it's a storm of Birthdays! My friend Mandy's is today. I pmed her, she was happy. My sister's was yesterday, I'm gonna make her a scarf. Monday was my friend Kim's, Next week is my friend Kathy's they're having a joint party this saturday that I'm going to. And Tomorrow is Justin's. Who I won't get to wish a happy birthday to. Because we're kinda not talking. Which makes sense. Not that you understand, but it's on the list.

What else? I don't get the job at Burger King. Which sucks, but isn't too bad, I'm too busy anyway. Wanna know the funny thing? The guy said he liked me best out of everyone he interviewed. But I'm not 18 so he doesn't have any shifts for me. crying Stupid Birthday being not here yet. Sadness.

Um... wanna know what else? My step dad's pissed at me. Which is unusual, normally it's my mom who's pissed at me. I think she might be, too, but she doesn't have time to act it. Anywho, Tim (step dad) does these inventories, and he wanted me to go along this year, I went last year, but one was last weekend, and he didn't tell me until that wednesday, and I had other plans. Then there's one this weekend, which I didn't hear about until today, but again I have other plans. So he called me into his room and told me to council the party plan. And I said no. And he said that if I wasn't going to be reliable I better never ask him for anything again. And I said okay. And I left. Simple as that. I didn't know he wanted me to do something this weekend, and if he doesn't tell me in advance then I can't help him. I'd love the money, but I'm going mad with everything I have to do, and I need time off. I'm not going to screw over my friends so that he can look better with his boss. He didn't ask me if I had time or could go, he didn't check with me, so it's not my damn fault if he looks bad.

And now I'm bitching about him. Sorry. It's just easy to do. You find it's very, very easy to b***h about people.

*muses* what else? I need to send in the college application, and start/finish the U-W one SOON. for scholorships you have to have it in by Dec 1. I didn't know, it's my back up school, but I need it in. I should be doing that right now, but I got side tracked while on my current event.

*thinks* I really don't know what to say. A lot has happened, but I don't know what to say. I suddenly don't want to type anymore. It's... my mind is elsewhere, thinking about things I'm not gonna post where friends can see (sorry friends ^^). I need to work on my story, I think that will help.

I need to call Ian or Maude or someone who I can talk to. I'm in a talking mood. Sometimes it's easier to ramble on paper, sometimes it's really not. Sometimes you just need someone to talk back to you. It can really help.

I read a new book. It was good. I've missed reading. I started another one, read it today when I went to the comunity college to register for running start. Spent an hour and a half waiting in lines only to be told to come back later. Funny how that works. But it gave me a good excuse to read. I want to by the next one but I can't afford it. I really could have used the money from the inventories. I mean, I'd get paid $10 an hour or more, work for at least 10 hours, that would be nice. But it's not worth it to tell Tim that he can summon me when ever he needs for that.

I think I really miss talking to people. I mean openly, when I can say whatever I want without feeling uncomfortable. At the moment I can say a lot, to a lot of people, but there are a lot of holes, and if all the people I talked to tried to put the pieces I've given them together it would still turn up short. Not that I've been talking to many people, though I did spend the night at Maude's house last Saturday. That was fun. We watched a lot of movies.

Oh, and I'm swimming twice a week now. Mondays and Wednesday. It's good. My shoulder's a bit sore at the moment, but I don't have to swim again for a few days so I should be fine. Wednesday I brought a water polo ball and me and a friend practiced a bit. I normally play goalie so I'm hoping to get better so my spot doesn't get taken by Merriman. (first name's Kristy, but our old coach always used our last names.) She is one hell of a Goalie, and one hell of a player. She's nice, encouraging, and just a good person. And damnit she's better than me. *wistful sigh* any other person and I might be annoyed. Don't get me wrong, I'm incredibably jelous, but not bothered, or vexed. I strongly support her in every way, because she deserves it. Besides, it's my own damn fault we discovered her hidden tallet. I went and pushed myself too hard last season and ended up with tendonitous in my right arm, the one I use to throw, which screws things up when you're the goalie in water polo, you have to throw far, to at least half pool. At least. There was a time I could throw all the way across. Right now I'm stuck at half pool. But it'll get better. I just have to take it slow so I don't get hurt.

Yay, I found things to talk about! Let's remember something else... My clubs are up and running, the CWM is going well, we put up posters, I wrote the letters to teachers (too much typing to explain) but it's all happy. And we have members. I just have to write a few decent things to put in it.

Japanese club is going well enough. This wednesday we got together and did caligraphy. We're also working on the gaurden. Two weekends from now I think we'll put the plants in. Yayness.

Chess club isn't bad, we'll having the student staff challenge next tuesday. I hope Kathy got the e-mails out to the staff. If not, it's on the announcements, but I'll ask her tomorrow. Also I have to e-mail the guy in charge of chess in the area so I can find out what all it will take to have a tournament.

In journalism (not quite a club but close enough) I had my story finished on time, one of few, and had no revising to do (one of very few). So I sat around for the last few days doing nothing. It wasn't too bad.

Anywho, I gotta go do more important things.

And some point I want to look up this riddle Justin gave me because I never figured it out and my friends at school are passing around riddles again. They're smart, they might get it. Maybe. whee


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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Nov 21, 2004 @ 07:22am
Well that wasn't bad. Not as short as I would of wished, but I can see why after reading it why it needed to be so long. You have so much going on, and your so busy. I'm amazed you found the time to put your heart and soul into this journal as you did, and you did put your heart into it I can tell.

I also saw oh maudelicious one, less than an hour and a half ago, and she looked like she was doing well. She was at the PHS production of Our Town, I hope thats the name, and she came up and gave me a hug. It was nice to see her again.

I cant wait to read your next journal.



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