Hey Edward Cullen
Whats it like to be a vampire?
When your hunting with your brothers
burning leeches in the fire
How does it feel?
Oh god how I wish you were real
I'll be your meal
Hey Edward Cullen
It's not nice of you to dazzle
all those unspecting fan girls
who wish to see you in a towel
Oh yes it's true
were all so in love with you
And Bella too.
Oh why won't you just bite me?
Oh why won't you just bite me?
Oh Edward can't you see?
Oh Edward please bite me,
Edward please bite me.
Hey Edward Cullen
Changed my name to Bella Swan
Now I'm waiting in Forks High School
Asked some guy to run me over
with his van
Waiting for your helping hand
You'll be my man
Oh why won't you just bite me?
Oh why won't you just bite me?
Oh Edward can't you see?
Oh Edward please bite me,
Edward please bite me.
Now I'm sitting in the hospital
My doctor's name is Carlisle
Man this is getting hard for me to bear.
My niece Alice came to visit me,
she dressed me up for prom you see
I broke my leg so I could have a cast
I finally got a date today
He didn't sparkle I'm sad to say
I accidently called him by your name
and your to blame
Hey Edward Cullen
Heard that you were getting married
half expecting you would send me
an invite in the mail
I think its best
if I put my wedding dress to rest
I'm so obsessed.
Oh Edward marry me
Oh Edward marry me
Even though Im just fourteen
Oh Edward marry me.
Edward marry me.