»||Element Academy||«
»||Natalie Rae Lombardi || «
»||Part I || «
»||Natalie Rae Lombardi || «
»||Part I || «
»||I will never let you fall. I'll stand up with you forever. I'll be there for you through it all, even if saving you sends me to heaven.--Your Guardian Angel, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus || «
Natalie woke up to the buzzing of her alarm. She lazily turned it off and rolled out of bed. She grabbed some clothes and ran to the bathroom. As she undressed, to take a shower, her cell phone vibrated on the counter. She picked it up and read the reminder text she had sent to herself just like all important holidays, appointments, meetings, etc. It read Today is the day. Like she could forget. Natalie had been planning this day for months. She finished undressing and walked into the large walk-in shower.
About an hour later, Natalie was dressed, and was finished straightening her hair. She applied her make-up. Not too much, just enough like she was taught. She walked back to her room to make sure she had everything she needed. Everything she had already packed was waiting for her in the limo outside.
Once Natalie was convinced she had everything she needed, she gracefully walked down stairs. She was greeted by her nanny and her family's butler. Her parents were no where to be found. Of course. Natalie's father was in Japan on business. There was no way he would come home just to see her off.
"Your mother had an early brunch with some of her friends," her nanny said, answering Natalie's question before asked.
"Of course she did,"Natalie walked over to her nanny and gave her a big hug.. "Goodbye. I will miss you very much!"
"I will miss you too," her nanny put some fruit and a bottle of mineral water in Natalie's hands. "Make sure you eat this on you way.
Natalie's butler walked her to the limo and she got in. It was an hour drive to the airport. She took a bite of the apple, but she wasn't very hungry. She put it aside and took her iPod out of her purse. She turned it on and listened to it on the way.
She arrived at the airport about an hour later. Her driver made sure her things made it on the plane safely. She walked on to the place and sat in her seat. First class. She had always wondered what it would be like to fly coach. Her parents would think she was foolish for having such thoughts. Her driver came and sat next to her. She was still listening to her iPod and fell asleep.
A couple of hours later, the plane landed. Natalie's driver woke her up and they walked off the plane. They grabbed her things and walked outside to yet another waiting limo.
Natalie got into the new limo. Her stuff had already been placed in the trunk by her driver, Ian. The airport wasn't very far from her new school, about fifteen minutes. Twenty at the most. She looked out the window on her way to familiarize herself with the place she would be living for about the next nine months.
It was beautiful and exactly, no, better than she had imagined. Everything was so green and full of life. The houses looked hundreds of years old, yet somehow so modern. As they drove through downtown, Natalie noticed all of the local people going in and coming out of the shops that you would definitely never find anywhere else.
Ian pulled into the school's driveway. This moment was even better than what Natalie had expected. She couldn't believe she was looking at the school she had been dreaming about for months. Natalie got out of the limo and walked to the door. She slowly opened it. Everything inside was breathtaking. She noticed a door that had the word OFFICE on it and went inside.
Natalie walked up to the receptionist. "May I help you?" The lady's voice sounded sweet.
"Ummm...I just arrived and I was wondering where I get my schedule,"
"You have come to the right place." The lady smiled. "What is you name?"
"Natalie Lombardi," She announced this proudly. She had always loved her name, even if it weren't as Italian as her heritage.
"Here you are dear," The receptionist handed Natalie a stack of papers and a key.
"Thanks," Natalie muttered as she walked out of the office, reading her schedule. She walked back outside to tell her driver which dorm she was going to be living in. Instead, she was confronted by a gorgeous angel. "Ummm....hello," That was all that would come out, she was so surprised.
"Hello Natalie. My name is Rebecca and I am your guardian angel." She said it as if she had done this thousands of times.
"Hi Rebecca. I have to go tell Ian, my driver, where to put my stuff."
Rebecca grinned. "Already done. Let's go check out your new room." They walked down the hallway and up the winding staircase towards the air dorms. They stopped in front of a door with the number 2 on it. Natalie took the key out of her pocket and slowly opened the door.
Natalie walked inside and noticed that all of her things had been brought to her dorm, just as Rebecca had said. "Hey, You were right.." Natalie turned to her angel, but she was no longer there. She shrugged and started unpacking. Natalie placed her neatly folded clothes in the dresser on the left. She put some pictures of her friends from home on top.
Natalie unfolded her blanket and laid it across the bed next to the window, which overlooked the courtyard near the garden. It was a great view. She stood there for a few minutes, memorizing everything she saw.
Natalie finished unpacking all of her clothes, music CDs, and other stuff. She was in a creative mood, so she took out her art supplies and jewelry odds and ends. Natalie was afraid of being locked out of her dorm by forgetting her key. She decided that turning it into a necklace would help her remember it.
When she felt that she was finished with the necklace, she fastened it around her neck. Natalie felt like going on a tour of the school. She walked out of her room and headed for the stairs. Rebecca appeared beside her. "So you have everything unpacked already?"
Natalie was startled at first by her sudden appearance. Yeah, It wasn't very hard since I was planning where I wanted to put things as I packed."
"That is very wise of you. So where are we going?"
"I was getting a bit hungry, so I thought I would see what the cafeteria had and then I was going to walk around the garden."
"Sounds like a plan." Rebecca disappeared once again. Natalie figured she would have to get used to it. She walked down the stairs and towards the cafeteria. She got a salad and sat at an empty table in the corner. She still had a few papers the receptionist had given to her in her pocket, so she read through them as she ate. When she was finished eating, she walked out of the cafeteria. She noticed a group of people standing near the stairs.
She decided she should introduce herself since she would be living with them for the next couple of months. "'Ello. I'm Natalie."
"Hi Natalie. I'm Cameron." He smiled at her as he said his name. She couldn't help but notice that his teeth were extremely white and he was one of the best looking guys in the group. "This is Bianca, Tawny, Devon, Demetra, and Trevor."
"Hi," each one said as he introduced them.
"So what are you guys doing?"
Bianca was the first to speak, "We were going to go to the pool. Do you want to come along?"
"Sure, just let me go get my stuff," She raced up the stairs and changed into some beachy clothes and met the group of people at the bottom of the stairs. "Ready!" She announced.
More to come soon. =]
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