New plastic! Ka-pow! And no, not a credit card. Glasses. They're plastic frames, sure, but that's in these days. They are what I call "cute/sexy librarian" glasses--at least, I think they're kinda cute. Some people might not agree. They're not too big or too small or too thick or thin; just right. I love them. They give me a Clark Kent appeal. They're very artsy, too. Now where's my beret.
Because we all know I have a secret love affair with the French.
By the way, new URL for you:'s right. I've got one. Not sure how much I'll use it but it'll probably be connected to two other websites I visit often (oh yes, I picked up a LiveJournal now, too. But that's for the yuri ;D), depending if I do what I plan on doing.
And why Lunar Siren? Because that's what I chose for my Roliana profile and it stuck as an alternative for Liv Night/Olivethemonkey(ninja). If you find those three names around the net, hoyes, it's me. You can find me anywhere except Myspace and Facebook. Literally anywhere.
Anything new happening? Why yes there is. I'm growing a bit confident. At least, I feel a little bit confident. I don't know what's going on. Maybe it's because I finally took a step towards admitting my sexuality and dropped a big hint to my family by buying my first rainbow thing? Now, true, it doesn't have PRIDE anywhere on it, but they know what rainbows are for. At least, they should. My dad should what with his gay hating ways. Oh yes, Ellen Degeneres is evil in our house. But I love the woman; I think she's great. Soyeah, I just wear that bracelet around everywhere feeling good and great and yeah = w=
I mean, what are my parents going to do if one day I pick up some girl in college? Oh my gosh, start a freakin' war, that's what. They would disown me in a heartbeat. But hey, I'd tough it out. I am what I am.
And I love that song. Oceanlab is win~
Not much else has been happening. Mentally preparing myself to face the music on the 9th. I have to stand up in front of I don't know how many people and smile awkwardly in front of cameras then go on to read my entry to this huge contest in front of those I don't know how many people. I'm a pale person, but in front of this crowd I'm going to be white. My lips will turn blue, I'll break into a cold sweat, and I won't be able to stop trembling. Just watch! I know it'll happen. Crap. It won't be good. If I hyperventilate I'll let you know. I can't believe I'm going to do this. I have a serious case of stage fright--no, imagining people in their underwear does not help, I'm not that creative--and I don't know what to do about it. Maybe if I was desensitized on the stage--they give some time to walk around and adjust--it would be okay. But if they throw me right up there it definitely won't be good! I'll trip my way up the stairs! Ugggggh. Making myself sick just thinking about it. All the eyes. All the minds running through, "This is the winner? She's not getting a publishing deal on her looks, that's for sure," and remarks about how scared I looked. I know it. And what happens if I meet a publisher? They'll say something nasty about my media skills. I have to be confident on that stage and let them all know I'm ready for this--I can do this, I can be a writer and take the publicity and tours that come with it--but I know I won't be able to do it.
I have a headache. Oh well. I shouldn't have lied about my glasses. It'll teach me. Anyway, I think I'm off to write about a succubus that will not be my own. My character list is far too full and I need to get a story done for school--frickin' STEAMPUNK I HATEIHATEIHATEARGH!--and read a book for school and blahblahblah.