Galmunit666 (22:02:06): ill go to bed when u go to bed?
explodingrose93 (22:02:14): no
Galmunit666 (22:02:24): yes
Galmunit666 (22:02:39): babe! *pounce kisses*
explodingrose93 (22:03:10): go away
Galmunit666 (22:03:16): ......
Galmunit666 (22:03:1 cool : really?
Galmunit666 (22:03:23): GO AWAY?!?!?!
Galmunit666 (22:03:30): OK ILL ******** GO AWAY!!!
Galmunit666 (22:03:35): FAR FAR AWAY
Galmunit666 (22:03:44): IN TO A PLACE NO ONE WILL FINE
Galmunit666 (22:03:46): *FIND
Galmunit666 (22:03:52): NO ONE WILL LOOK
explodingrose93 (22:03:56): u cant even type right
Galmunit666 (22:04:01): w/e
Galmunit666 (22:04:25): ur a ******** prep and it pisses me off that ur the bad kind of prep
Galmunit666 (22:04:29): but ill get over it
Galmunit666 (22:04:39): ive been testing u this whole time
Galmunit666 (22:04:4 cool : im glad u didnt notice though
Galmunit666 (22:04:51): but damn
Galmunit666 (22:04:56): god damn
Galmunit666 (22:05:01): ur a ******** mean prep
Galmunit666 (22:05:1 cool : u can make excuses about how they treated u bad when u were little
Galmunit666 (22:05:20): but damn
Galmunit666 (22:05:35): calling ur self a princess and saying u can get what ever u want
Galmunit666 (22:05:40): wha to far
Galmunit666 (22:05:45): i love u
Galmunit666 (22:05:47): but damn
Galmunit666 (22:05:57): ur more prep than i thought
Galmunit666 (22:06:04): it like ur trying not to b one
Galmunit666 (22:06:07): even though r
Galmunit666 (22:06:20): and rant about how they suck so bad but ur one urself
Galmunit666 (22:06:2 cool : k
Auto Response from explodingrose93 (22:06:2 cool : the "prep" is gone... so ******** off
explodingrose93 (22:23:09): u have no idia how bad u have hurt me tonight
Galmunit666 (22:23:31): no i know
Galmunit666 (22:23:44): and it take responsbility
Galmunit666 (22:23:51): and i aplogize
Galmunit666 (22:23:5 cool : i should have just gone to bed
Galmunit666 (22:24:04): but i wanted to talk to
Galmunit666 (22:24:25): i just made a bigger fool of my self
Galmunit666 (22:24:44): i was just upset cuz i didnt like how u were talking to me
Galmunit666 (22:25:29): maybe i should just sew my mouth toegther
Galmunit666 (22:25:39): that way i dont say stupid stuff no more
Galmunit666 (22:25:44): i think i will
Galmunit666 (22:26:11): so are u going to bed ?
explodingrose93 (22:26:16): no
Galmunit666 (22:26:26): im sorry that i hurt u
Galmunit666 (22:26:34): i seem to b doing that alot
Galmunit666 (22:26:36): dont i?
Galmunit666 (22:26:55): yea
Galmunit666 (22:27:29): im sorry
Galmunit666 (22:27:46): ill go to bed if u want me too now
Galmunit666 (22:28:01): i should have just gone when u told me
Galmunit666 (22:28:20): did u want to say something?
explodingrose93 (22:28:27): no
Galmunit666 (22:28:30): k
Galmunit666 (22:28:40): what are u going to do now/
Galmunit666 (22:28:44): *?
explodingrose93 (22:29:03): i dont know
Galmunit666 (22:29:14): u hurt that bad?
Galmunit666 (22:30:02): k
explodingrose93 (22:30:1 cool : what are u going to do?
Galmunit666 (22:30:35): writh someplace in a corner
explodingrose93 (22:30:40): ok
Galmunit666 (22:30:57): did i really hurt u bad babe?
Galmunit666 (22:31:2 cool : im sorry i should stop asking
Galmunit666 (22:31:35): ill just take it as a yes
Galmunit666 (22:33:40): im am terriably sorry
Galmunit666 (22:33:46): i truley am
Galmunit666 (22:33:4 cool : and now
Galmunit666 (22:33:5 cool : i feel grief and regret
Galmunit666 (22:34:04): and i wish i could take it bak
Galmunit666 (22:34:13): but theres nothing i can do
Galmunit666 (22:34:35): id ask u to guide me
Galmunit666 (22:34:44): but it feels like im asking to much
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the junk that goes down
this is all the junks that happen to me, and things i really wana tell ppl, but just dont.... THIS IS NOT A PLACE THAT U SHOULD USE TO COMMENT ME. oh... and THIS IS NOT A CHAT!!!!
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