"hello my name is tusiko uarau im 15 and i attend blue wolf high school, i like to dress and dark anime style clothing and i dont show any emotion i think thats why ppl made me the most popular girl in shcool...not that i cae but anyway i like hanging w/friends and doing what i like to do im top of my classes and i have a nice blue car i live alone in a house i never knew my paranets, ever snice i could remeber i was alone...and im different but only a few know my many secerts........every one has there own perfect story....so when will i?..."and so starts an adventure w/a 15 year old named tusiko how will her story turn out?
chap 1. the beggining
"every one has there own perfect sotry so why dont i?....am i a nobody?..am i....that different?" my thoughts are inturpeted by my gym coach yelling "tusiko watch out for the ball" but its too late by the time i look up *BAM* right in the face, i hear alot of vioces running over all asking "OMG TUSIKO R U OK?!" i just sits up and have a fake smile "of coruse i am! a little nose bleed wont kill me!" then my coach steps in and says "just in case go see the nurse, this unlike u to mess up in sports tusiko, r u feeling ok?" i sit there for a moment and think then say "ya im fine, sorry just alot on my mind" and with that said i get up and head to the nurses office. by the time i come out school is over so i head to my lokcer grab my bookbag and head to the car. "of to my part time job"i say as happy as i could. then out of nowhere a figure comes and runs into me, and w/that my keys go flying until i hear a "splash" sound. now i was pissed and yelled "s**t!" i try to see if i can see it but its hopeless so i give up. "now how the hell am i supose to get to work?" then i hear a smooth,addiceting vioce and i turn around fast to see crimson red eyes stareing right though me and he speaks "u shouldnt think while walking r this will happen alot" he says almost in a mocking but clam way. "well it was my fualt a baka like u wasnt wacthing where U where going" i snap back. his perfect lips form a smirk. i cant help but look at his almost pale skin and beautful red crimson eyes and his tall thin figure where aobut the same hieght but he look alittle taller then i snap back to reality only to find myself being pulled by his grip on my wrist. "h-hey! let go w-w-what r u doing!?" i yell at him. he stops cuasing my face ot hit his back. "u siad u had work right? well i'll take u there" he says in his addiceting vioce. i think for a min. then agree. we both get on his motocyile. "u better hold on if u wanna live" he says. i think hes messing w/me so i ingore him. "what ever" i say as cold as i can. he shurgs "i wanred u" and w/that his off fast as hell. i hold on tight and hold on for dear life."y-your crazy!" yelling over the high pichted winds. he smirks and says "i warned u" no looking at the road. "w-whoa dude look at the road damn it!" and a coulpe of minutes later after i thought i was dead we finally reach the mall and i head to hottopic for my shift. after a damn long shift i come out exhuasted, "siigggh". then i hear HIS vioce aegen "aw did someone have a long day?" i hold in my blush. by the time he tkaes me home im to tired to agure so i just unlock the door but b4 i wlak in i feel like i forgot something...then it hits me... i snap around and yell out "wait whats ur name!?" but its too late hes off and cant hear me. "so much for the perfect story" w/a somewhat sad face i wlak in take a shower and fall asleep.the next moring im woken up by a loud arlam clock that sings "last resort" as loud as hell its self, i turn it off take a shower and put on a black t-shirt w/skull on it and a mini skirt w/a chain belt black nial polish and eyeliner. "eh....this will do".. i look at my very long dark blue hair. "i'll leave it down as uasul i guess" and then im off, i get a ride w/sasuke, naruto,kaiou, and kyo tos school snice i sitll have to get a new key for my car. "thanks for the ride u guys" i say in a nice way. "no prob." they all say at once, i tlak w/friends while we wait for out very lazy kakashi senpai. "dman hes always late" i say annoyed "ya but that'sThe Rasmus how he rolls" says amishi and tenten together. "what r u twins?", "of course not" amishi says w/her goofy but funny smile. then we hear a noise and look up. "sorry im late today students but this time i had a good reason" he says in a annoying way. "ya what is it this time senpai u got lost on the way to life" says a pissed off sakura. "n-no this itme it was because we have a new student!" he has his playful smile on. i think "great whats this one like?" then snap out of it and i look up, my eyes r wide w/shock. i whisper "i-its really him?......" then kakashi continues "plz introduce ur self ^_^" the boy steps up and says w/his crimson eyes scanning the room "hi my name is kasiuo huma" then his eyes stop right as he reaches mine. i feel his red crimson eyes go right though my dark blue ones and i turn away form his face but i still feel his eyes on me. then our lazy senpai says "ok thank u kasiuo, plz take a sit next to-" in my mind im begging the life out of me hopeing he wont say me but of course he says "ah yes sit next to tusiko-chan she will help u w/ur first day" he has his playful smile back on.i glare at him while other boys r pissed that the new boy gets to talk to me. kasiuo has a smirk on his face and sits next to me.a loooooooooooong day is finally over and i close my lcoker and head towards the shcool door when i hear that vioce aegen. "hey tusiko-chan wait up" i think "he actually add the chan part? i give him one thing...hes bold" i stop and look back at him.
he comes up to me w/his normal smirk "hey whats w/the look? u always this way?" i roll my eyes and say "no but today im annoyed.......and erm...well thanks for the ride last night..." "ur weclome!" he says in a kool yet cheerful way. i cant help but be pulled in by his eyes. then i think " is he the one that will start my perfect story? has it begun already? if it is its going to br a long ride..."
to be contuied
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