May 7th, 2009
"Alright, for those who have heard from me or just heard about the bad storm that we had here and asked 'was it really that bad?'"
"Well, some areas had it worse. Many people were rendered homeless and or had severe damage done to their homes and properties. Sadly, one person did die in the chaos but the rest of us are perfectly fine physically (or mostly). When I first saw the destruction that the storm had done, I was devastated but I was also thankful. A few businesses in town were damages severely with the roofs being ripped off and or collapsed. We lost a few silos and farms and many a tree, which will be apparent when you see the pictures of my yard only. what even shocked me was the fact that one of our stop lights had been completely twisted around. Yes, that's right. it was pretty much pointing in the opposite direction that it was supposed to. I'm shocked no one got into an accident cause of it. But anyway. Moving on. Pictures for you to see. Sorry if they are huge."

"My uncles ceiling from the inside of the travel trailer. That is a branch you are looking at."

^ "What is left of my favorite tree out of the yard. Luckily, even though it looks like hell and back now, it can be saved. Can't say much for three others however."

^ "I'm the blue blur. Woot, I make a good blur. But you can see the size that these trees were when that storm trashed them. Grandma was not used to takeing pictures on a phone, so that's the reason for the blurriness."

^ "Part of one of out neighbors roofs. There's another chunk in later pictures I'll show you."

^ "Down wires."

^ "Favorite tree again, different angle. If it wasn't a funny lookin' tree then, it definitely is now."

^ "Remember that other chunk of roof I told you about? There it is!"

^ "And I'll end with our upturned table. I'm shocked after being blown from the patio to the garden, that it didn't break, but woot, it's ok."
"Other than our town looking like hell, most of everyone here is taking it rather well. The town is mostly cleaned up and in the two days after the storms rampage, the businesses who's roofs were torn off has started to rebuild. The stop light is still all twisted up, not sure how they are going to fix that or how long it would take. The only ones who seem to be enjoying the down tree branches are my cats. All 10 of them are having a blast chasing each other around and up the different limbs, though all of them have a new found fear of storms. Specially Cheese, the only cat who ventures inside and the head honcho of the bunch."
"Alright, for those who have heard from me or just heard about the bad storm that we had here and asked 'was it really that bad?'"
"Well, some areas had it worse. Many people were rendered homeless and or had severe damage done to their homes and properties. Sadly, one person did die in the chaos but the rest of us are perfectly fine physically (or mostly). When I first saw the destruction that the storm had done, I was devastated but I was also thankful. A few businesses in town were damages severely with the roofs being ripped off and or collapsed. We lost a few silos and farms and many a tree, which will be apparent when you see the pictures of my yard only. what even shocked me was the fact that one of our stop lights had been completely twisted around. Yes, that's right. it was pretty much pointing in the opposite direction that it was supposed to. I'm shocked no one got into an accident cause of it. But anyway. Moving on. Pictures for you to see. Sorry if they are huge."

"My uncles ceiling from the inside of the travel trailer. That is a branch you are looking at."

^ "What is left of my favorite tree out of the yard. Luckily, even though it looks like hell and back now, it can be saved. Can't say much for three others however."

^ "I'm the blue blur. Woot, I make a good blur. But you can see the size that these trees were when that storm trashed them. Grandma was not used to takeing pictures on a phone, so that's the reason for the blurriness."

^ "Part of one of out neighbors roofs. There's another chunk in later pictures I'll show you."

^ "Down wires."

^ "Favorite tree again, different angle. If it wasn't a funny lookin' tree then, it definitely is now."

^ "Remember that other chunk of roof I told you about? There it is!"

^ "And I'll end with our upturned table. I'm shocked after being blown from the patio to the garden, that it didn't break, but woot, it's ok."
"Other than our town looking like hell, most of everyone here is taking it rather well. The town is mostly cleaned up and in the two days after the storms rampage, the businesses who's roofs were torn off has started to rebuild. The stop light is still all twisted up, not sure how they are going to fix that or how long it would take. The only ones who seem to be enjoying the down tree branches are my cats. All 10 of them are having a blast chasing each other around and up the different limbs, though all of them have a new found fear of storms. Specially Cheese, the only cat who ventures inside and the head honcho of the bunch."