Um.....You wanted us to discuss everything Twilight, therefore, I think it's only fair that the bad parts of it are discussed as well. Here are some highlights of the fail that is Twilight:
1) Edward is an abusive p***k
2) Stephanie Meyer couldn't write her way out of a d**k and Jane book
3) The books support child grooming, *****, emotional abuse, and physical abuse
4) This book series is an insult to vampire fiction everywhere
5) Stephanie Meyer won't even try to stop her fans from physically assaulting people who voice their opinions about how much the book sucked
6) The book itself is an insult to the English language
7) Even Stephen King thinks the books are bad
Should I go on?
Oh, um...might as well point out something good, just to be fair....um...this is difficult... Oh! Here's something:
1) The covers are kind of pretty, especially when engulfed in flame.
1) Edward is an abusive p***k
2) Stephanie Meyer couldn't write her way out of a d**k and Jane book
3) The books support child grooming, *****, emotional abuse, and physical abuse
4) This book series is an insult to vampire fiction everywhere
5) Stephanie Meyer won't even try to stop her fans from physically assaulting people who voice their opinions about how much the book sucked
6) The book itself is an insult to the English language
7) Even Stephen King thinks the books are bad
Should I go on?
Oh, um...might as well point out something good, just to be fair....um...this is difficult... Oh! Here's something:
1) The covers are kind of pretty, especially when engulfed in flame.
Legato of the Night
Twilight is dog s**t.
No, it was merely written on dog s**t with gofer s**t and then mailed to a publisher with cat s**t for a stamp. That poor mailman.
mrgreen hey evryone! Alright I want everyones honest opinion about what you truly think of the Twilight series. Like it? Hate it? Or just dont care? Are you team Edward or Team Jacob? xp
The books suck the a**s of ebola ridden old people.
i luv twighlight n ill give my life 4 it
I just lit a pile of Twilight books on fire. Please, prove yourself by throwing your body onto the flames.
I think twilight is fine to those who have disbelifes. Let me tell u all who hate Twilight, if u hate this movie and book SO much, then dont say anything about it cause it hurts others u know, cause some of us are totally obsessed with Twilight, and EAMC (Edward.... Cullen for those who dont know his full name, then this is secret) But yeah i love twilight. *w*
One of the reasons I hate it is because it seems to make people think that "text speak" is the correct form of English to use when trying to communicate through writing.
Obsidian Deathwish
Rofl. Late reply, and thank you...Punch and muffins. Do you have any falcon punch?
Why, yes, yes we do. We just gave some to Bella and she no longer has to worry about a little sibling for Renesme.
its Heather
ive read the books and seen the movie but i still cant seem to understand why people like it so much.
It's mostly caused by lack of oxygen to the brain. Slap them a few times and it will loosen up the stricken blood vessels.

Stephenie Meyer in her natural habitat.
Their filming the next twitard movie about 20 minutes(walking) away from me, what should i do GD?
Flood the set with thousands of squirrels. Do this once a week on randomly chosen intervals. Then, once their guard is up, stop for a while....then release the polar bears. That should solve your problem.
twilight + Movie = CRAP !
No, you're wrong:
"Twilight"+anything= flaming, s**t-covered wreckage of whatever that anything was before being introduced to Twilight
I v y y_X3
OMG, I watched Twilight just now. Ahhh.... So awesome! No wonder you guys like it! It's so romantic, cute, sad, lil' scary. Want to share any cool/cute/sad/romantic/favorite parts in the movie/story? wink
The part where I lit a pile of the books on fire and danced naked around the flames. What? You don't remember that part? It was right after the credits.
This was in response to the thread question: Which character in Twilight should be telling the story?
They're all going to at some point. Probably because Fail-Meyer can't come up with any other ideas. No, she'd rather be lazy (it goes well with her fat) and just rehash Twilight over and over from different character's view points until it comes down to a book from the view point of Tyler's Van. Granted, I think that would be hilarious to read.
So, I think that the series should be from the view-point of Tyler's Van.
So, I think that the series should be from the view-point of Tyler's Van.
Community Member
Tyler's Van, now, I do think that would make an interesting book, only because it would be so freaking stupid and utterly pointless.
Ahaha Twilight was alright...but I would never again want to see the movie or read the books. I admit, I liked the first one... but then people started going crazy over the characters and books (because there "cute" or "romantic" and my favourite "it shows the 'GOOD' side of vampires" wink YUCK! Who wants a good side to a vampire, let alone the positively perfect guys that come along and save you every minute because you can't breathe by yourself. Anyway, some of those somments you said were quite good and reading them all made me laugh so hard. You should put a link to here for Twilight fans.
>I'm not creeping your journal, you linked it in a contest... idk maybe this is creeping... whoops my bad.<
and see what you could break?