Tired of constantly finding idiotic crew members and cl10 people that don't even realize the difference between Total Charge from a Recipe, much else work with them, Quintafeira12 is going on a crusade to prove he needs no one else besides himself to defeat all the bosses in the game.
Best way to start a morning? Go to zOMG! and kill a bunch of tiny men and mushrooms while listening to this:
My avatar must have been sure he had eaten one of those mushrooms. At least the nut filling should taste good.
Anyways, Village Greens is like a desert now. I guess that not many new players appear on Friday mornings. The fact that GMT is a bit ahead in time than American timelines are must have helped too.
So the chore for today was, kill the general all by myself. Ought to be easy enough. I put myself as cl 2.0 because I wasn't really sure what cl was indicated for the task. I wonde rif I exagerated a bit. Maybe cl 1.8 should be the right number.
Anyways, like I mentioned, the place is a desert... there's almost no one in sight. I decided to collect some Mushroom Heads to complete my Barton Regulars armor (which was missing like... 5 out of 7 mushrooms). During this time I found a grand total of... 4 people wandering around VG. I'm counting those near the Null chamber out of this, but still, one of them was a cl 10 just "passing by", which makes it 3 people in VG.
From those 3 people, one was just farming mushroom heads (hey those are mine!) and another one was... well, youll see him in the screenshot.
So I decided to go to beat the general. Oh the mighty have fallen. Before, people would mass in here to beat the crap out of you. Most would have to wait the next spawn time eventually occured. Well, nobody went to beat him in a long time, because he simply came out as soon as I destroyed the animated that were outside.
Hey, he has name now? Dreedle? eek
Lol, poor guy... I wonder if the other gnomes make fun of it for how unlucky he was for its mother bad taste whee
There was a dazed guy there that didn't move a muscle the whole time. It was weird, because animated from the screen below kept coming to beat him, then going away for like 3 seconds before returning and continuing to attack the dazed guy. question I thought I wouldn't bother them, because they weren't bothering me either. talk2hand
Anyways, the thingh didn't cause me any trouble at all. His companions proved a challenge enough for me to survive, but using dervish on all of them and mantis on a single one at a time, I managed trough easily. RR4 Meat and RR4 Teflon allways help too, lol. I used the duct tape to take a screenshot and to rest at one point when the general was all by himself already:
and then I took another one after I beat the general. I was a tad too late, and it's not possible to see the general crumbling to his demise, unfortunately.
Well so much for this guy, I guess. He wasn't as easy as OMGWTF, thanks to his minions. I still needed duct tape anyways, but I wasn't wearing ninja set either, if that counts...
I would end up running out of stamina one way or another.
Well, now I'm going back to harvest some more mushrooms. I'm still missing two, and it's bothering me... Why would making armors require mushrooms? Do the forgers need to be high or something? This almost feels like wondering how do we feed an egg.
Next up is She-Wolf, because, unfortunately, it's impossible for me to do the Nexus squad... I might try doing the cl10 trick just to see the Wolf's Den hating me and throwing cl15 pups on the amounts of dozens. That seems an intresting activity to kill 3 minutes of my time.
Late Edit:
And comment damnit! Don't just say you read it after seeing my signature elsewhere. You gain more gold for commenting in journals you know!
Not that I want comments, but Having the only person coming here not commenting is stressing.