name: Maxwell(Max)
age: 15
sex: Male
bio: His dragon found him when he came of age, and told him what he could be. But he was more of a daydreamer than a fighter, in the end, he went with him. His parents and his friends are still not sure why, they remember him as the one saying "All I want is a patch of grass and a sunny sky for the rest of my life."
weapons: Long bow, Sword breaker

(Without the wings and the glowing rings. He wears what this guy wears, except with normal boots and pants, with a large quiver on his back. click this for the picture )
dragon's name: Aislingeach (Tho max calls him Ling because he can't say the actual name)
dragon's age: Unknown
dragon's sex: Male
dragon's bio: Ling is found Max through Max's dreams. He can look into the dreams of the sleeping and sometimes even enter them. He sees Max as a little brother instead of a rider
dragon's appearance:

gaianame: warwickstar
name: Baoth Síomha (Pronounced BEE SHEE va.... yes, I know, confusing)
age: 17
sex: male
bio:Baoth used to live in Ireland(IRISH PEOPLE ROCK!!!) untill his family moved here and sent him to this school. . Baoth was hit by a car when he was 8. In the crash he lost his right eye and his left leg was crushed, forcing him to walk with a cane. He learned a specific martial art to protect himself, Batadóireacht, and wants to strengthen his body by learnig other styles.

Name: Thomas Sky
Age: 17
Gender: male
bio: He taught himself the ways of the ninja, and now he is a ninja. Thats all you need to know. And he's from America.
sexuality(Plz, if you aren't straight, only flirt with the ones who also aren't straight): Ninja

Char's Full name: Mark and Mathew Cross
Nickname:Mark and Mat
Race (what type of... thing. is ur character?): Humans.... weird Humans
Weapon: Mark uses telekinesis and Mat can create weapons.
Special ability or good-to-knows (optional):Mat is the logical side and Mark is the imagination. And they have the ability to be anywhere the other is, so as to be never separated.
Appearance (post pic): (note: I did not draw this and I do not own it)

(they are both wearing what the one on the left has on)
Other: Um.... They usually find someone they think is cool or someone to loo up to and cling to them. And there 10.
Username: warwickstar
Character Name: Bobby
Age: 14
Grade: Freshman 9th I guess... yea 9th once he gets there. For nw he not though.

Bio:Feeling like he needed to be heard, he was taught how to play the flute. He quickly learned how to play and was allowed to play on stage several times. One day he had gone out to collect wood and when he came back, his town was on fire. While he was gone, the town had been attacked by an army that was systematically exterminating the Ralads(his people/species) and his town was the last on there long list. He was the last surviving member of his race. he spent the next few years learning how to fight, and when he was 10, he met an old crone. She had promised to make him stronger if he gave him one thing. Rashly he said yes without asking what she wanted. She took his voice, his beautiful singing voice. She had heard him sing once and knew what he was, but she took his voice not in malice, but for his own protection. See, Ralads were known for there voices and there songs, if he couldn't sing, then no one would know what he was. He was furious, but not for long. She kept her part of the bargain by granting him the ability to create and control chains. Though he was still angry, he was only angry at himself. He learned to speak with his music and of course through writing.
Personality: He's fairly quiet(lol), he's mostly nice but can be rude.
Other: He can calm animals and even some monsters with his music. Most animals will do as he asks after he plays for them. Oh, he has a large tatto of an owl on his back.
Crush: doesn't know yet
sexuality: Lets find out....
((OH MY GOAT!!!!! I've never written such a long Bio before!!! And apparently useless......))
Username: warwickstar
Character Name: Oscar
Age: 15
Grade: Freshman 9th
Appearance: not the pointy eared one, the human
Bio: When he was a kid, his heart failed and he almost died. But, just in time, Cid built a mechanical heart to replace his. He still has it, the only sign of it is a port on his side, under his arm. He is now striving to be like him, but not the smoking part. He wants to be like Cids good side, caring smart, and loyal. He funds his own experiments, backed by his parenst money. Though they haven't been home in three years.
Personality: Calm, caring, helpful. He can get a little crazy when he doesn't sleep.
Other: He invents things to help around his mansion, so the maids don't do all the work. He's rich and his family owns several companies. He lives in Twilight town in a large mansion.
Crush: doesn't know yet
sexuality: Lets find out....
Rogue name: He doesn't go by one.
Secret Identity: Max Cornerstone
Age: 15
Origin: Tech/magic/natural
Alignment: ..... neither?

Bio: His parents and grandparents died, leaving him a ridiculous amount of money. He used to spend a lot of time with his family, mostly traveling the world and exploring the unknown. After they died, he thought by continuing there dream would be the best way of remembering them. He was allways smart and and good with machines. And with an artifact that his mother found and gave to him, he can power all of his creations at the same time. The dog tags he wears was his father's and his Grandfather's.
Main objective: His main objective is to learn and advance. His way of doing this is gathering old and cryptic artifacts. He also collects the new things to, like robots and other advanced tech.
weapons/objects/ skills: He has many inventions hidden in his clothes and possessions. Almost all of his tech is powered by an artifact he found that produces large amounts of energy endlessly.He practices a martial arts called Batadóireacht, mostly for exercise but can use it in combat if he has to. But he doesn't find it satisfying to win using it, so he almost never does.
Name: Mike Roberts
Age: 17
Gender: Male
bio: His entire family is cursed, they can never touch a weapon without hurting themselves. Even a fork or a butter knife will give them a large shock. Of course this very annoying when your trying to eat. Mike has learned how to get through life without tho. Even in combat he's found ways around the curse. He uses things no would expect to be a weapon. He met Jessica and quickly formed a friendship with her and Ben through her. Jessica sent him to go check on Ben and stay there if he thought there was going to be trouble.
sexuality: Lets find out.

puppet master (username) : warwickstar
Character name: Echo
Race: Earth sprite
Age: Something, he's forgotten it anyway.
Personality: caring, quiet, strange.
Bio: He loves to just sit and watch the world go by. And he did so for so long that he was forgotten to the point he himself disappeared. He woke up in the earth realm, interested in where he was, he went exploring. At one point in time he came upon a mirror and saw that he had lost his face. Where his face used to be was now just smooth skin. He could still talk and still see normally. He learned how to use his powers from an ancient earth golem that had became a mountain. After he had learned everything he could from the golem, he was sent to the Aumora.
Realm (listed in the story) : earth
Power(s) [minimum of 2] : He has the ability to control any form of earth and turn into it.
Appearence (pic. or very detailed description) :

gaia name:warwickstar
character name:Alex/Mike/Andrew.
how old when taken:A few days after he was born.
how old as of current time:14.
what is mutated/different about character:
appearance:This is the picture, except his eyes are grey.
Gaian name: warwickstar
Name: Alexander
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Gardener

Bio: He wasn't the strangest, he wasn't even looked at for a chance to be go. But ever since he was a little kid and he went to the forest that was tended to by the elves, he had wanted to help. He himself make trees and other plants grow quickly and bigger than normally. The elves way of of tending to plants caught his attention, so much love and respect for nature. He decided he would help them with whatever he could, even if it meant going without their permission or his peoples permission. He decided he would follow after the elven cleric and help in whatever way he can. He's been using his power over plants to help himself along the way.
Other: The scarf he wears was a gift from a witch he saved. It lets him blend into whatever is around him so he can go unnoticed but only when he is perfectly still.
Proflie set up:
Gaia Name: Warwickstar
Name of RPC: Mark Ren
Gender: Male
age: 18
Appearance: He's about 5'9 and has a black tail with an orange tip. He is well muscled, but it doesn't show unless he takes off his shirt. And his pants aren't torn, just beat up. he has blue cat eyes that change color with the weather: green during a storm, blueish green during a snowfall, and a blue when it was clear out.

(Yes, I know it's not a picture of an actual furry. But its really hard trying to find a good, yet still appropriate one to use.)
rank: in prison
bio before the war: Mark used to teach a class on martial arts on the weekends and had a job at a local grocery store on the weekdays. His mom was human and his father was a fur, a cat fur to exact. That was probably why he didn't look that much like a fur, except his tail and his eyes. He had been learning martial arts from his parents since he was a little kid, and had been asked to teach it at the local self-defense course for teens. He needed the extra money to pay for rent and didn't mind the extra practice. He wasn't a master at any exact form of martial art, but had trained under his parents in many different ones. They had come to his town looking for furs while he was teaching his class, they had come in armed with only batons and tazers. His class was going to stand and fight, but instead he ordered them out the back to help the rest of the town. He held back the soldiers long enough for his class to escape with as many people as possible, then gave up. He didn't want any more trouble and didn't believe in fighting just for himself. He was bound in heavy chains and shipped. He was brought to the prison camp afterwards.
special skills: Has learned the basics and a little more of many different forms of martial arts, he's really good at cooking, and he's trilingual. (English , chines, and french)
Gaia Name: warwickstar
Name of RPC: Cliff Scot
Gender: male
Species: human
age: 14

rank: civilian
bio before the war: Cliff, his family, and many others went into hiding many years before the WWF started, Cliff himself was born while his family was in hiding. The families had built a complex underground, for experimental reasons. Becuase of this, Cliff has never seen a fur or even knows what one is. His entire life has been monitored and controlled. When the prison exploded, the underground complex became unstable and most of the elders and adults went out to go see what happened. After about a week or 2, the elders hadn't returned. They had left the exit open and unbarred, Cliff took this chance to leave. Now he is walking to find out as much as possible about the outside world. With him he took an old radio headset that had never worked in the complex, but now where getting all kinds of signals. He also took a pack with enough food to last him a week atleast if not two.
special skills: He's pretty good with computers and hacking them if need be. He's been trained in classical dance and singing. He reasonable self defense, but would lose in a fight with someone who knew how to fight. He knows how to make and mend clothing, even make his own material to work with.
Gaia name: warwickstar
Character name: Guy (Said like Gee) Marble
Age: 17
appearance: He has black hair that stands up like he had used gel in it, but it's completely natural. He has black eyes and black nails, both natural. He is about 4'5(short) and is thin. He wears blue jeans and a red shirt with a single black strip on the bottom of it. He has on a black dog collar.
Bio: Guy came here from France, just to get as far away from home as possible. He was having family issues, identity crisis and then a health issue with where he was living.He had to get out of there as soon as possible, so he did. He got on the first plane out of there when he got the letter saying he could go to Higurashi and so far is loving the vegas night life. Oh and he's incredibly rich to the point where it's stupid.
Talents: He can sing opera and is good at hijacking most electrical devices.
Powers: Shape-shifting.
Weapons: His body.
Pets: None
other: He loves candy! And he doesn't get cavities so he loves candy even more!
Gaia name: warwickstar
Character name: Alexander Crow
Male or female? Male
Age: 17
Appearance: He wears a black trench coat with a hood on it. The trench coat has what looks like blood stains on it, but he still wears it. He has black hair and his eyes have black pupils with red irises. He has red stitches covering mist of his body, and two across his face. His nails had fallen off a long time ago, so he doesn't have any nails anymore. He has on large Gothic black boots.
Bio: He was made into a mortal shade when he was 6 and his body has gone through drastic changes since. His disposition has been getting worse as he gets older to, almost always crabby and rude.
Talents: Sowing, first aid and dancing (new and old)
Powers: He can conjure up a blue flame that doesn't burn, instead it rots whatever it touches. His entire body can be independent, ex: If his arm come off, it can walk back and sew itself back on with its veins. This goes with his entire body. He can be cut in half or even decapitated, and survive it. He can also do some blood magic.
Weapons: His body and magic.
Pets: none.
other: He doesn't take well to new people or anyone in general.
Gaia name: warwickstar
Character name: Mr. Bones (Doesn't use his real name)
Male (can't really tell by looking at him though)
Age: 400

Bio: He's been at the school for the last 300 hundred years, so he knows his way around pretty well. He has been to other places, but found this was always his favorite school to teach at. And he didn't have to wear skin here either(he has his own working flesh suit).
Talents: He can hold his breath longer than just about anyone. He is the anatomy teacher
Powers: He is a bone necromancer, meaning he can summon up other skeletons and manipulate bone. And he's in a permanent state of death, so he can't die again.
Weapons: Bone and a very sharp wit. (his funny bone.)
other: He is a teacher