Sunndaay , boring as usuall - 3- . .
I did a quicklist , becausee im a dumbass & im eating ice cream, when i feel soo ******** cold 8 /. I seriously dnt get it, it just taste soo gudd D8
Things I did/eventually will do todaay :
1] Wokee up @ 11:30
[didnt even bother to brush my hair, i eventually looked like s**t when i woke up - -||]
2] Ate breaakkfasst[ important meal of teeh day homiies]
3] Went to play tennis&bball, with my dad, becausee of the extremely gorgeous weather @ w @-- i totllly ignored my hmwrk.. 8DD
4] Got soo ******** maddd becausee my haiir straightener broke 8(, [Still currently looks like s**t - -]
5] Wrotee a list on my journal @ w @[yeeeeeee] while eating an ice creaaam.
6] Do thee laundry 0 3 0 , my punishment for not making my bed [WTFF]
7] Go to Churcch n_____n
8] DO YUUR HOMEWORK a*****e ! ,Im gonna do my hmwrk after mass , cuz God has enlighten my empty head to do the right thing @ w @
9] Eat *_________* - whilee downloading regret&calmenvy on teehh ipod of dooom - w-
10] G o t o s l e e p , - 3 - Buugg my homiiess in msn n_n -- dailyy torturee of coursee x3
11] Go to sleeppp? Naahh.. Shoowwweerr time @ w @ -- shower song of the day .. -drumroll- SWEET CHILD OF MINE - GnR <33
- 3- it's the only song i remember, wtf?..
12] Imitaatee Axl Rotten Roses <3in the showeer n-----n
13] Dribble my neww basketbaall to irritate my neighbors,mom,sister,.. possibly the fire department D:, nnaaahh..
Perfecctt.., my lifee sucks @_______@, It contains a lot of bullcrap in it , but i still love it <333 [THAT THE SPIRIT]
Im gonna look for jokes nowws , to post on my journal , at least make it a little interestin @ w @
K I S S H I A A A - Maaay the Forcee be withh yuu *_*
I did a quicklist , becausee im a dumbass & im eating ice cream, when i feel soo ******** cold 8 /. I seriously dnt get it, it just taste soo gudd D8
Things I did/eventually will do todaay :
1] Wokee up @ 11:30
[didnt even bother to brush my hair, i eventually looked like s**t when i woke up - -||]
2] Ate breaakkfasst[ important meal of teeh day homiies]
3] Went to play tennis&bball, with my dad, becausee of the extremely gorgeous weather @ w @-- i totllly ignored my hmwrk.. 8DD
4] Got soo ******** maddd becausee my haiir straightener broke 8(, [Still currently looks like s**t - -]
5] Wrotee a list on my journal @ w @[yeeeeeee] while eating an ice creaaam.
6] Do thee laundry 0 3 0 , my punishment for not making my bed [WTFF]
7] Go to Churcch n_____n
8] DO YUUR HOMEWORK a*****e ! ,Im gonna do my hmwrk after mass , cuz God has enlighten my empty head to do the right thing @ w @
9] Eat *_________* - whilee downloading regret&calmenvy on teehh ipod of dooom - w-
10] G o t o s l e e p , - 3 - Buugg my homiiess in msn n_n -- dailyy torturee of coursee x3
11] Go to sleeppp? Naahh.. Shoowwweerr time @ w @ -- shower song of the day .. -drumroll- SWEET CHILD OF MINE - GnR <33
- 3- it's the only song i remember, wtf?..
12] Imitaatee Axl Rotten Roses <3in the showeer n-----n
13] Dribble my neww basketbaall to irritate my neighbors,mom,sister,.. possibly the fire department D:, nnaaahh..
Perfecctt.., my lifee sucks @_______@, It contains a lot of bullcrap in it , but i still love it <333 [THAT THE SPIRIT]
Im gonna look for jokes nowws , to post on my journal , at least make it a little interestin @ w @
K I S S H I A A A - Maaay the Forcee be withh yuu *_*
Community Member
I sang Sweet Child in shower before too. @W@
I made myself laugh 'cause imitating Axl is just so fun.
HAHA I didn't make my bed either-_,- But I'd do your laundry for you 'cause I don't deserve to be living my life.
I bought a KISS poster today. *A*