I was in a town today, and i saw an L avatar. at first, i wasn't sure it was on purpose. but he looked exactly like him, he even had his hairstyle. and then i saw his screen name, it said something about lawliet so I walked up to him and i was like "L?" and he was like "Yes?" and i was like "I LOVE YOU!" and then he ran away. but i chased him. and he was hiding behind his friend but then i found him and then he hugged me!!!!!!!!!! i was so excited! then i did the heart thing and he said "................." and i said "!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and then i said ok he could go b/c i had to go tell everyone i knew about it.
heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart 
for those of you who don't know I love L. (From Death Note [an anime]) Anywho, that's my interesting experience for the day. (Other than the new development of my 10-year-old stalker) do i use parenthesis too much? oh well.
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