(first in katakana(?), then japanese, then english)
Doki Doki Waku Waku:
楽しい事が待っていると いつだって楽しんじゃえる!
可愛いモノを見つけちゃった なんだって欲しがっちゃう!
森の中でも 水の中でも
行く手阻む 難関突破! 軽く投げ飛ばしちゃえ!
tanoshii koto ga matteruto itsudatte tanoshinnjaeru!
kawaii momo wo mitsukechatta nadatte hoshigacchau!
mori no naka de mo mizu no naka demo
dokomademo oikakechatte ii yo!
ikute habamu nankan toppa! karuku nagetobashichae!
tanken usachann to issho! takara bako sagashite!
waku waku suru youna yume no shima e
tanken takashi mo issho! dakara daijoubu sa!
uki uki suru youna tabi ni deyou! doki doki
ureshii koto ga atta hi ha megatonkyuu no SUMAIRU de!
ochikonnde iru kimi ni HAPPY takusan wakete ageruyo!
mahou no tsue de hitofuri suruto usachan ga kumachan ni henshin
kore tamachan no kumachan da ( ) konna no kwaiku nai-
tanken minna to issho! takara bako sagashite!
waku waku suru youna yume no shima e
tanken itsudatte issho! dakara daijoubu!
uki uki suru youna tabi ni deyou! doki doki
tanken usachann to issho! takara bako sagashite!
waku waku suru youna yume no shima e
tanken takashi mo issho! dakara daijoubu sa!
uki uki suru youna tabi ni deyou! doki doki
If there is something exciting waiting for me, I can have fun anytime!
I’ve found something cute I end up wanting everything!
Inside the forest, inside the water
You can chase me as far as you can!
Break through the obstacles blocking our path! Just toss them away!
Adventure with my bunny! Find a treasure box!
Go to an exciting island of dreams
Adventrure with Takashi too! That’s why it’ll be okay!
Let’s go on a lighthearted trip! Doki-doki (sound of heart beating)
When there’s a day where something happy happens, smile a hundred-bolt smile!
I’ll share lots of my happy with you that’s depressed!
When I wave my magic wand once, my bunny turns into teddy!
This is Tama-chan’s teddy ( ) This isn’t cute-!
Adventure with you! Find a treasure box!
Go to an exciting island of dreams
Always with you on an adventure! That’s why it’s okay!
Let’s go on a lighthearted trip! Doki-doki (sound of heart beating)
Adventure with my bunny! Find a treasure box!
Go to an exciting island of dreams
Adventrure with Takashi too! That’s why it’ll be okay!
Let’s go on a lighthearted trip! Doki-doki (sound of heart beating)
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I only post in here for gold.
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I'll never forget you...
("Two birds with one stone"?
When was there ever an abundance of birds
And a shortage of stones? )
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