This is Gaia's theme song just click the link below
Gaia's Theme
Demitsue: Ugh! Hurry up bell and ring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Teacher: Demitsue!
Demitsue: Ummm. Yes ma'am? sweatdrop
Teacher: Detintion for the rest of the semester!!!!!!!!!!! In the morning and afternoon!!!! scream
Demitsue: Noooooooooooo!!!!!!! But I have a date with Morrigan! gonk
Morrigan: Psst! Demi.
Demitsue: Oh shoot...She's gonna kill me..
Morrigan: It's okay. You can make it up after the semester.
Demitsue: But that's too long.
*After school*
Roku: Hey Demitsue! Where ya goin'?
Demitsue: To detintion... stare
Roku: Woah! Well see ya.
*In the Detintion Room*
Teacher: Well you came Demitsue... Have a seat...or DIE!!!!
Demitsue: *sits down in chair*
Teacher: I'm going to go watch the Geography Channel in the teacher's lounge. So Don't make any sudden moves!!! evil
Demitsue: Sheesh okay don't get an attitude!
Teacher: Goodbye!
*Demitsue takes out Ipod and laptop and gets on*
Unknown: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Demitsue: What the hell was that? I should go check it out!
*Demitsue runs out of the room*
Demitsue: Someone's laying on the ground... Hey miss? Miss?
Miss: D-demon..
Demitsue: What?
Miss: The a demon...take this book...she dropped it when she attacked me...
*Gives book the Demitsue*
Demitsue: Hey! wake up! Oh crap! Well I guess I should read what this book says.
The book reads:Long ago.... A brave warrior named Demitsue Shuyaku fought against a demon called Gaia.Gaia was a human/demon.Demitsue stabbed the demon to death and the demon marked Demitsue with a symbol. Gaia's last words were If you shall kill me...I'll mark you with a symbol that your great great grandson will have my spirit in him and I shall rule the world once more...
Demitsue: W-what! I had a grandfather named Demitsue. My father told me about him but he didn't mention the symbol part. But still...this book didn't tell me how to kill a demon...
Demon: Rooooooooooarrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Demitsue: What the-?
Person: AAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Demitsue: Damn!! That sounded like Morri!
*Demitsue follows the scream*
Demitsue: Oh crap!!!! Morri!!!!! I knew something was with you crazy teacher!
Teacher: It is true! I am a demon! And I took the girl that you love! Hahahahahahaha!!!!
Demitsue: I'll kill you!!!!!!!! What the hell? M-my heart! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dark Gaia Demitsue: Finally I'm out of this damn prison!
Teacher:W-what?!!! Dark Gaia! The demon!
Dark Gaia Demitsue: That's right b***h! And I'm the top demon here so I'm gonna kill you!
Teacher: No! Wait!!
*Dark gaia Demitsue chops off teachers head*
Dark Gaia Demitsue: Hahahahahaha!!!!!!
To be continued
Gaia's Ending Theme #1