This is the craptacular fan fiction which I cannot write at the moment. If you wanna proof-read it for me or critique it... A critique would help much better. Writing is both the funnest thing in the world and the most horrible. gonk
The night-lights of Tokyo crept in through a gap in window curtain, cutting a blade of soft light through the darkness of the hotel room. Andy Bogard was wide awake, laying on his side, his back turned to his brother, Terry, whom slept soundly on the rooms other bed.
They had arrived in Japan just this morning, both coming to compete in the Shukumei no Tatakai tournament. Joe had met them at the baggage claim and the three had made their way together to the tournament grounds and registration desk. And whom should they run into there but her.
Laying there in the dark he now thought it was foolish of him to be surprised to see her. After all, why would she pass-up a tournament on her own country? He should have called her. How long had it been since they’d last seen each other? He’s stopped keeping track. It was always easier if he imagined that he’d only just seen her. Still, he should have called. Maybe then he could have avoided that nasty blow she had dealt to his solar plexus.
He had finished filling in his entry form and was waiting for the clerk to assign him a number when he felt a tap on the shoulder. When he turned around she was there. In her trademark red gi that showed, oh so much, yet left the most decadent bits covered to tease and taunt any and every healthy man that dared to look. Her hair bound up in the tight ponytail she always wore. A disgruntled frown on her face…. She was beautiful!
Her breast bounced as she placed her fist on her hips, a sign of her annoyance. “So it is you.” She had said.
And that was when she punched him. One quick solid punch to the abdomen and he was on his knees in front of her, fighting the gag reflex that immediately followed a blow like that. The last thing he wanted was to barf on her tabi.
“You come to Japan and don’t even bother to tell me!” She continued.
He stayed down, on his knees. It was safer there (for the moment). Terry and Joe had rushed over at some point. They stood flanking him now.
“Mai?” That was Terry.
“You’re all so mean.” She moaned. “You all come to my country and none of you bother to call. Well, I guess I can forgive you.” She cast her eyes sideways at Joe and Terry. “You two aren’t obligated to call me, but you…”
Her eyes flashed dangerously as Andy stood.
“I’m afraid you must be punished.” She said that with such a smile. And before Andy knew it she was latched onto his arm (her proffered position) and was dragging him away.
Thank goodness he had just completed his entry form before she arrived. She had completely monopolized his day after that. It was all one big blur of crowded shopping district streets, a café for tea, more window shopping, an over priced restaurant for lunch, more strolling and finally he had managed to steer her in the general direction of his and Terry’s hotel.
They had said their good-byes at the door and promised not to hold back on each other in the tournament (his promise was also accompanied by another promise to call her if they were ever going to be in the same country at the same time again) and she had scampered off. Her normal bubbly self again.
Now it was long past midnight and he was still wide-awake and still thinking of her. And how could he not? Andy wasn’t quite sure when, how or why she had fallen head over heals form him but he did know that slowly, over the years and adventures together, with her latched on to him, she had somehow managed to work her way under his skin.
Before she had always just been Master Hanzo’s granddaughter or even just another student of the Ninjitsu style, not really worth his attention. When she had tagged along to help in the battle against Krauser she ceased to be ‘background noise’ and became something real in his mind. Not just something real but something necessary for no known reason. He seemed to always be able to fight better if it was in defense of her. She was like an amplifier or a focuser for his fighting spirit.
He rolled over in bed and stared over Terry’s chest, slowly rising and falling with his breath, to the window beyond. The nightlights of Tokyo winked and sparked at him, a sea of stars on the Earth’s surface.
Mai would probably think it was a very romantic image, seeing the city lights as stars. Andy just thought they were something nice to stare at while his mind wandered. It seemed that he could unlock the most fantastic fighting power whenever she was in danger. He had defeated Lawrence Blood in less then 15 seconds just after seeing how that b*****d had beaten and bound Mai. And he had been the self proclaimed “second strongest fighter after Krauser”, but Andy had defeated him easily, but only after seeing that he was a threat to Mai.
But his defeat of Lawrence was nothing in comparison to when he had beaten Hauer. He didn’t even remember how he beat Hauer! They had been on the steps of that ancient temple, he remembered that. Hauer had Mai in his arms, that image was quite clear. Then that little SOB had tried to steal a kiss from her!! He remembered him holding Mai’s soft heart shaped face in his rough hand, pulling her face closer to his, she had gritted her teeth; her eyes had watered and when their lips met a tear ran down her cheek. That single tear stood out in his memory much more clearly and focused than the windowpane he now stared at.
And after that he remembered nothing. His vision had gone white, not red - white. Other fighters talk of “seeing red” when they get truly angry, nothing like that happened for Andy. His vision had simply blanked out and when he came to again his head was resting in Mai’s lap and Hauer was gone. He had summed that Hauer had been defeated seeing as how they were both left alive and in one piece and Mai had not been raped as Andy was sure she would have been had he not defeated the fell villain. But wasn’t quite sure what had happened or how he’d done it.
Whatever the reason, he was sure that it had something to do with Mai.
Well, it was obvious that he wasn’t going to get any sleep tonight maybe he should train? The hotel had a gym (in the loosest since of the word) he could go there….
Some training might clear his head.
… …
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Team Lonely Wolves!

Kicking a** since 1991!
Because REAL men don't F-ing sparkle! I'd take prudish Andy Bogard over whiny Sparkle-tard any day!

Kicking a** since 1991!
Because REAL men don't F-ing sparkle! I'd take prudish Andy Bogard over whiny Sparkle-tard any day!
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