~Pick a word that starts with the first letter of your first name?
Maria: Moo~
ewww, it's your face (lol jk)
~Are you going out with the person you like?
Maria: Fortunately (?) no xD
Eunice:define "going out"
~Your brother tells you he's in jail, what do you say?
Maria: Uhmm.... Dood... o-o (Too shock to say something)
~If you were kicked out of your current residence, who would you call?
Maria: A relative...If none, then I'll call me sistah from another motha~ lols xD
Eunice: EVERYONE~! HOBO TIME XD lololol
~Describe your life in one word?
Maria: Okay.
Eunice: wthbbqomgzstfud;lakfjsdlj.....random
biggrin ~Do you think age matters in relationships?
Maria: Not
too old o-o
Eunice:depends......yeah, yeah it does o3o
~Would you rather eat your pizza cold or hot?
Maria: Hot pizza with melted CHEESE!
biggrin !
Eunice: i rather eat you
smile ~What was the last thing you heard?
Maria: Master Mind - Mindless Self Indulgence
Eunice:YOUR MIND! it sounds like this, *beeeeeeep* that's how stupid you sound! lolol jk i love you all >v<
~Was today a good day?
Maria: It was fun... But the International day IS THE BOMB! ;D~
Eunice:i unno, WAS IT?!
~Does anyone disgust you?
Maria: what's there to be disgusted? I mean poop is normal o-o
Eunice:YOU SIR, DISGUST ME~! but i still love you <3 (=^u^=)
~Do you have a sister?
Maria: Yes..I have a scary one... lols =3
Eunice: yep, EVERYONE IS MY SISTER~! even the guys! >u<
~Have you lost a good friennd?
Maria: No, they're always there ^^ (crap I have fake friends back in Philippines!)
Eunice: you misspelled "friend" dummy XD
~Whats something you want right now?
Maria: Sleep =p
Eunice: something to cosplay as, that i could wear a mask (not a ninja....im tired of seeing ninjas, there's too many @3@)
~What was the last song you listened to?
Maria: o-o Molly - Mindless Self Indulgence (I love their catchy songs D; )
~Who was the last person that you threw out of your life?
Maria: None so far =p
Eunice: hmmmm, come back to me on that question.
~Do you secretly like someone?
Maria: yesh...Like any ordinary girl would xD It shall remain that way! (Dun care if my jealousy strikes lols~ )
Eunice: define "like"
~If you had one wish?
Maria: Help my best friend pass her tests =]
Eunice: my parents to be a
little loose but overall i'm pretty good ovo
~What's on your bedroom floor right now?
Maria: Stuff =p
Eunice: CARPET! i use to have a footon(sp?) but i spilled apple juice on it and stuff and my parent gave it away ;___;
~Do you think relationships are actually worth it?
Maria: Depends xD
Eunice: not really
Are you too forgiving?
Maria: Too forgiving bruh~
Eunice: depends :O
~What were you doing at 9:00 am today?
Maria: Sleeping xD
Eunice: getting ready to go to church
~Do you think you will still be in a relationship three months from now?
Maria: It actually depends xD If I really am crazy for the person, then it might actually be forever to DEATH~ (My love is pure, though my heart knows who I am for or not)
Eunice: woah dude, i have a lot of stuff to do and i still want a life o3o i don't mind friends at all but relationships? maybe later XD
~Do you tend to make things complicated?
Maria: Hahah, yeah xD
Eunice: depends on the situation =w='''
~Ever gone out with a wrestler?
Maria: Hells naw..they smelled like crap (Not to be mean) T~T (i has been into the wrestling room before...)

Is there a boy that you can go to in sweats, hair a mess, no make up and still feel good about yourself?
Maria: yep xD~ (Screw makeup D; I hate that stuff >< )
Eunice: yeah, i'm cool with that, i mean i could fix their hair but yeah overall it's cool