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Who kills the spiders and bugs in your house?
Me and my.... dog... yeah she's weird
Are you afraid of heights?
No way
Do you enjoy rollercoasters?
I effing love rollercoasters.
Have you been to the top of the Sears Tower in Chicago?
Nope I'm not into that sort of "thing"
Would you like to bungee jump off a bridge?
YES! But I don't know of a place where they let you stressed
Do you enjoy flying?
What is the farthest you have traveled by plane?
To Florida
Ever walk under a latter?
All the time, purposely
Would you step on a cockroach with your bare foot?
No eww that's gross... I would be like gonk damn!!
Are you afraid of the dark?
No I'm not afraid of the dark just what's lurking in it
Ever check under your bed because you were afraid someone was in the room?
Ever play the Bloody Mary game?
yep scared me to death but it didn't work
Can you ride your bike with no handlebars?
I can ride my bike with no handlebars, no handlebars... And I can lead a nation with a microphone, a microphone (yeah I'm cool)
What is the grosest thing you would eat on a dare?
Asparagus... Its like the preps of the veggie world... They all are like, " yay yeah eat us eat us we so cool." Bleah
Would you go skydiving?
Are you afraid of breaking a mirror?
Umm... no?
Ever been ghost hunting?
yeah for a sleep over it was gay though
Do you like scary movies?
omfg yeah
Will you watch a scary movie alone in the dark?
when else do you watch scary movies?
Ever have nightmares after watching a scary movie?
yep the first time I saw SAW if kinda freaked me out
Do you run with sharp objects?
Yes... but I have... problems so that kinda explains many things...
Ever been in a hounted house?
Ever felt the presence of a ghost or spirit?
Umm no
Have you been to the top of the Empire State Building?
Do you like Ferris Wheel's at the fair?
Gawd no
Ever been stuck at the top of the Ferris Wheel?
yes stressed scream
Would you open an umbrella inside a house?
When was the last time you were truly scared?
When this guy that escaped from jail (and was still in his prison uniform) was stalking me and two of my friends
What would you say is your biggest fear?
The fear of losing the one I love
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Psychotic Candycorn
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Check out my guild its called
Azmira: Kingdom of the Night

Azmira: Kingdom of the Night