Unfortunately, I no longer have the original Gaia sprites for a couple of these, but since then I've kept all Gaia sprites to show side-by-side my edits. So, here we go.
 Made as a gift, I really like how it turned out. She was my first experience in adding my -own- work, having nothing there to actually edit into; the wings. I also really dig her clothes, yo.
 Another gift for a friend. That darned mp3 player took me awhile. o.O
 Yeeet another gift for a friend. This is the second time I had to add my own work, and I dare say I did do rather well with those wings and scarf. Soon after I made the edit I went back to fix the skin tone because I obvisouly thought it was half-assed to not have done so in the first place.. however I lost that file and didn't bother to remedy that since. >> ;
 Beautiful but deadly Zeira Feir, my faithful servant. I've had a few good comments about her arachne legs, how one of them follows her arm. I love it, at least. And I finally learned to make the backround transparent, making the sprite much more visually appealing.
 Another Zeira Feir edit.. I don't much like how it turned out, in regards to the demonic pitchfork and that stupid wand >< ;! I think I liked the last edit's arachne legs over this one too, but.. the RoRo puppy kicks butt. =D and the Goti clips are -much- better then the last edit's.
 The third Zeira Feir edit in the series of who-knows-how-many XD I love this girl, what can I say?
Aaanyhoo.. I rushed through making the book.. the CoCo is cool, her staple (it seems) Goti clips are good, the wand is -much- better. Given the angle, I couldn't add in the demonic wing, just the handle, but oh well. Not terribly shabby.
Kain Dragonia · Wed Nov 09, 2005 @ 02:31am · 2 Comments |