Nya, nya!! For some reason I'm actually typing down crud in this boring jounarl, well I can't find any Taito ( NOT THE PAIRING!! D< ) I need help finding pics, videos, and pics. Plz help!! D> He voice is so~ awesome, so plz help!! An youtube is being a butt so that won't help. -Gets on knees and bow- HELP!! D>

Vocaloid TAITO- Another brother of Kaito's. He has a higher pitched voice and his color scheme is purple. His items are bandages and an eyepatch. He is a Yanderoid, and is good friend (or lover) of Juon Kiku.
Yandere- A personality that is initially extremely loving and gentle, then at one point becomes deranged or psychotic, often brutally so. Yandere is a combination of the two words yanderu (病んでる, yanderu), meaning to be sick, and deredere (デレデレ, deredere), which is defined as exhausted or lovestruck.
honeyrust · Sat Feb 21, 2009 @ 01:59am · 0 Comments |