I'm having a writers block for my other story, so I'm going to try this out and see what happens....
It has all the brawl characters, nothing more.
Brawl Kindergarten!
At the Brawl elementery....
Sonic: Give it back!
Link: Nyu. It's mine! -holds chaos emerald in the air-
-Ganondorf walks along-
Ganny dorf: Well look who it is! It's dumb and dumber! HA!
Sonic: Link give it! Before Gannon takes it-
- Ganon grabs the emerald-
Link: HEY!
Ganon: Haha! --flicks Link in the head-
Link: Ow!
Meta Knight: You guys are acting like babies. -takes emerald-
Peach: Ooooo! Thank you Meta knight! -happily takes emerald and skips-
Mario: - bumps into peach and emerald flies out of her hand-
Peach: Ooops! =o
Snake: -catches it- Wowwie! The cawpton will love this shiny thing!
Capton Falcon: Falcon PAUWNCH! -grabs emerald and runs away- HEHE!
- bumps into King Dedede-
Capton Falcon: Ooof!
King dedede: -catches emerald- Eh?
Fox: Yo de! Mind if I see that? -takes emerald and observes it-
Falco: Whoa! I bet Wolf is gonna want it!
Fox: Sh-yeah! Hehehe let's go tease him with it!
Wolf: -tackles fox- Ow-Ooooooo! -howls-
Falco: WAH! >.<
Zelda: Wolf can I please have that? -acts innocent-
Wolf: Uh sure thing princess!
Zelda: Thank you! ^^
Kirby: Oooooo! - looks at it hungrily-
Zelda: no Kirby don't eat-
Kirby: -inhales and swallows- Mmmm!
Everyone: Oh no!
Sonic: Kirby! Why did you eat it??? -tears fill in his eyes-
Kirby: Ao....... -tries to hack up emerald-
Kirby: Phetow! -spits out-
Sonic: YAY! =D
Samus: -grabs before sonic can get it-
Sonic: Noooo!
Samus: Foolish boys.... -rolls eyes- Teacher will be mad when I tell her what you did...
Snake: Hey Sammy! I'm gonna kiss you! ^^
Samus: o.e -cringes- Ugh fine take it! It looks ugly any way. Hmph.
Lucas: S-s-s-samus can I look at that weal quick?
Snake: -takes emerald- Not a chance girlie boy!
Lucas: -sniffle- emo
Ness: Grrrrr DON'T BE MEAN TO LUCAS! -kicks snake-
Snake: Yow! -drops emerald-
Mr game and watch: Beep boop? -picks up emerald-
Pit: Awesome! It's shiny! -flies over- Can I have it? -takes emerald-
Mr game and watch: BEEP BOP!! -waves frantically-
Pit: Huh? I don't speak BEEP.
Ike: GREAT ETHA! -jumps ontop of pit-
Pit: HEY!
Ike: MiNE! -grabs emerald-
Marth: =D -speaks japenese mumbo jumbo-
Ike: that's right Marth! We are the best! ^^
Pikachu: Piiiika..... CHUUUUUUUU! -zaps both of them and snatches emerald-
Pikachu: Pika! -taunts-
Jigglypuff: -giggles- Jigglypuff!
Everyone: OH NO!
Jigglypuff: -sings- Jiggly puff..... puffy jig.... -everyone falls asleep-
Jigglypuff: Hehehehehehe! -takes emerald-
Jiggly puff wins! HAHA!
-giant warp thing appears and future sonic comes out-
Sonic: You don't have me fooled! -takes emerald-
Jigglypuff: ????
So Sonic came back from the future to help the younger sonic! COOL!
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The story of how Sonic and Link met ( and other stuff )
This is the story of how 2 world famous video game characters met for the very first time. As well as other things.... =o
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" o.o... Lol..."