From the capital of the kings of the world: as long as the sun shines on the head of Iskander [Alexander] the robber, etc., etc., let him know that the king of heaven has bestowed on me the dominion of earth, and that the almighty has granted to me the surface of the four quarters. Providence has also eminentely distinguished me with glory, exaltation, majesty, and with multitudes of champions and confederates.
A report has reached us that you have gathered to yourself numbers of thieves and reprobates,the multitude of whom has so elated your imagination that you purpose through their cooperation to procure the vrown and throne, lay waste to our kingdom, and destroy our land and people.
Such crude resolves are perfectly consistent with the infatuation of the men of Room. it now behooves you, on reading the contents of this epistle, to return instantly from the place to which you have advanced. as to the criminal movement which has proceeded from you, be under no alarm from our majesty and correction, as you are not yet ranked among the numbers of those who merit our vengeance and punishment. behold! i send you a coffer full of gold, and an assload of sesame, to give you by these two objects an idea of the extent of my wealth and powers. i also send you a scourge and a ball, the latter that you may amuse yourself with a diversion suitable to your age, the former, to serve for your chastisement
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blayd's ravings
i like to write about my day, write stories (i have written the story of pygmalion down in one entry) and write about my philosophy
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