Area of effect: 5 feet per caster's lv up to 60 feet
Components: Verbal, Somantic, Material
Casting Time: 1 round per caster lv up to 6 rounds total
Damage: 1d10 cold damage per caster lv up to 6d10
Duration: main damage instantious; additional cold varible see below
Azure was a witch from the far north. She had an incredible command over the forces of cold and ice. When she lost her life at the hands of a ruthless band of humans, her last spell struck with such force that the men were frozen in an instant. Years later, a group of wizards decided to create a school dedcated to studying cold majicks. They found Azures' Spellbook, and found the power of this spell therein...
Azures' Wrath creates a circle of expanding, extream cold from the spellcaster. It has a good chance of freezing solid any beings it damages. Any being that takes over half of their current HP in damage from this spell must make a Reflex(DC 10 plus 1 for every lv of caster) or be frozen in place, unable to take any actions. Any fire spell that deals at least 10 HP in damage can free a victim from this frozen state, as can Remove Paralisis.
Material compoents: A sapphire worth at least 100gp, or Cyrohydra blood, or the tooth of a white dragon, or the skin of a frost giant.
Somantic compoents: Caster must wave the chosen material compoent in a circular motion while intoning the verbal compoents.
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