Age: 26
Personality: Straight Forward, Calm, Understanding, Responsible, Silly, And Hardcore
Occupation: Cop
Motto: You always have to be ready...
Favorite Movies: James Bond(All), Frogs, And Earth Girls Are Easy
Favorite Games: Tetris
Least Favorite Games: Naruto
Least Favorite Movies: Barbie(All), The Swan Princess, And Petes Dragon

Total Value: 166,364 Gold, 7,500 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Silver Revolver
Lovely Genie Double Gold Earrings
Enchanted Book 5th Gen.
Egyptian Gold Bracelet
Vampire's Bat Swarm
Vampire Hunter Hat
Coal Gunner Boots
Lawl And Order Blue Pants
Lawl And Order Belt
Lawl And Order Blue Officers Cap
Lawl And Order Blue Uniform Top