today has been a roller coaster of emotions. The day started out tired and bored, then to irritated, then to exuberant, now to pissed.
Why so? The dog. Every.Single.Night now I have discovered something he's WRECKED (tonight? THE FREAKING WII REMOTE!!!! _ _ _ ) and then I lose my temper. I just kinda hold him in a position where he can't move for about a minute while I get my temper under control (otherwise we'd have a dead dog) and then scream at him (which I shouldn't do for no reason but ya... well its "that time" so that might have something to do with all this... usually I wanna burst into tears when this happens, but maybe this time around its anger?)
so much for ending on a good note... I was really happy earlier though because I went to Willmar with mom to JCPenny's and got a whole new outfit (almost- still need jewelry... have a necklace at home somewhere that would look cute with it... problem is I have to find it first... ninja ) for my BPA interview. We got some other stuff too (a new sweatshirt lol) and the total savings: $144. >.< it was buy one, get another thing the same price free. Then we went to Famous Footwear, and I got a freaking cute pair of shoes! heart now to actually be decent at interviewing... xP
oh yeah and last week I sent in a request the the Electric Co-op for an application form for the Washington D.C. trip. I got the packet of questions (and an essay, too!! D=) to fill out and return by *looks on packet* March 17. Haha dad and I were having fun making up answers to the questions... xD
hmmm was gonna say somethin' else, too... =/ the dog is wreaking more chaos as I type this. *almost looses temper again* oh well. it's almost his bedtime, then i need to look at what homework i need to do tomorrow morning...
*sigh* oh well. one of these days I really do intend on showing a few pics, I just haven't gotten that far yet.
Eventually I will.
Maybe. x]
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