RP Characters:

RPs used in:
[PRiVate!] - [Deaths Arena] - [Elemental Dispute]
[ Character Name: ]
Raiko Chimaki.
[ Age: ]
[ Gender: ]
[ Sexuality: ]
[ Talent: ]
1. Writing and drawing.
2. Playing mind games.
3. Cooking.
[ Ink?: ]
Small demon wings on shoulder blades.
[ Holes?: ]
Bellybutton and ears.
[ Race: ]
[ Powers: ]
1. Transformation: Turns into true form of a succubus, the ordinary growing wings, a tail and nails grow into claws.
2. Illusions: Power to hypnotize someone into thinking they see something that isn't really there. Typically horror filled or oddly karmic visions.
[ Fears:]
1. Being alone/loneliness/losing loved ones.
2. Being eaten alive.
3. Peanut butter.
[ Likes: ]
1. Swimming.
2. VooDoo/Dark arts.
3. Exploring.
4. Being friendly and involved.
5. Lolita/Gothic fashion.
6. Weapons.
[ Dislikes: ]
1. Spiders.
2. Being by herself in the dark.
3. Threats to her friends.
4. Veggies.
5. Racism/Sexism.
6. Her parents.
[ Bestill My Beating Heart: ]
[ Personality: ]
Strategical. Friendly/Loving. Outgoing. Adventurous. Creative. Persuasive. Semi-impatient. Semi-obedient/Outspoken. Zealous.
[ Bio: ]
Raiko was raised by her parents, but out to be on her own when she was only 16. She grew up in a moderately common environment, but her parents never approved of her sexuality as she grew older. She left her home and spends her time in an apartment within the district she resides in for the time being. She is highly educated in dark arts and voodoo. Raiko discovered her true form of succubi when she was 14 and hasn't quite learned everything, but the ropes down pat to what she knows. She also loves to cook and draw in her spare time, since she has not met anyone to spend her time with yet. With no one for love and on her own, she wants to set out and be herself.
[ Played by: ]

RPs used in:
[Elemental Dispute]
Gaian name: ZombiesEatRaiyne
Character name: Mimi Akoryio
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human/Neko
Element: Earth
Bio: Mimi had an alternate childhood compared to her life right now. She has only her dad left in the family, her mother and sister killed in a strage car accident. She was abused throughout her school life for her strange form, such as her Neko ears. She's not very shy or quiet, yet people's judgments tend to knock her off her balance. Mimi quit high school to attend this academy to get away from her dad, and have a least a bit of fun with other people like her.
Gang: None.
Likes: Kittens, shrimp ramen, photography, new friends, hoodies, beanie hats.
Dislikes: Sexism, pie, elephants, nasty people.
Crush: N/A.
RPs used in:
[Akaria High School]
[Gaia Username]: ZombiesEatRaiyne
[Character Name]: Amiko (Ami) Nikoria
[Age + Grade]: 17/11th
[Gender]: Female

[Sexuality]: Bisexual
[Likes/Loves]: Music, Reading, Art, Chocolate Cake, Neutral Colors, Rain
[Fears/Hates]: Being Alone, Spiders, Vegetarian Food, Fast Drivers/Cars
[Talents]: Writing in her spare time
[Personality]: Shy, Quiet, Trustworthy, Friendly, Self Conscious
[Bio]: Ami was raised within the city limits where Akaria High is located, growing up with her mother. Her father had died 7 years ago in a fatal car accident, which gave her the fear of vehicles speeding. Ever since then, her attitude has weakened and she does not smile a lot, and is often by herself. She has a bit of trouble opening up to people she barely knows, but deep inside, she wants to be know and have friends who can help her cope through her various problems. Ami is also schizophrenic, trauma caused by her fathers death, and her mothers abuse.
[Extras]: Every time it rains, Ami must go outside or watch it from a window or she'll feel haunted by her hallucinations.
RPs used in:
[Akaria High School]
[Gaia Username]: ZombiesEatRaiyne
[Character Name]: Aeon Misaragi
[Age + Grade]: 17/11th
[Gender]: Female
[Appearance]: (Blonde hair, Blue Eyes, Black outfit)

[Sexuality]: Bisexual
[Likes/Loves]: Flowers, Sweets, Animals, Photography
[Fears/Hates]: Crowds, Attention, Darkness, Thunder
[Talents]: Takes great photos
[Personality]: Saddistic, Outspoken, Alone, Smart
[Bio]: Aeon was raised in a different city, miles away from Akaria High. She isn't much of a do-er, but she follows because she does not know how to lead. Her friends are limited and people think she's always depressed, but it's hard living with only your father and your mother wants nothing to do with you. Her sister, Mika, picks on her constantly and never leaves her alone. Aeon loves to be outdoors rather than inside, but she'd also love to cuddle under a blanket and sleep. She doesn't suffer from anything severe, but she does have a diagnosis of insominia, which is why her eyes are always so dark.
[Extras]: During the night, Aeon either writes down her photography ideas, tosses and turns, or cries to her saddening music because she misses her mother.
RPs used in:
[The Apartments]
Name: ZombiesEatRaiyne
Name: Rachel Kurosai
Age: 19
Job: Works at a near by Coffee Shop
Gender: Female
Bio: Rachel grew up with her parents, a normal teenage girl who had no worries, nothing going horribly. Except, after she graduated, her parents left. No note, no calls, nothing! They left without saying goodbye, and without and siblings, she had nowhere else to turn but to buy her own apartment in the city. She doesn't know where her parents are or why they left, but she still wonders if one day, they will come back to see her.
Personality: Sweet/Kind, Optimistic, Hard working, Intelligent
Pet: None
Likes: Friends, Chocolate, Stars, Relaxing, Having a good time.
Dislikes: Puppets.

Hobbies: Painting, Dance, Meditation, Cooking.
Apartment #: J2
Other: Rachel loves nature.
RPs Used In:
["I Do But I Don't Want To"]
My name is: Miranda Rinko
I look like that----&

My puppet master is: ZombiesEatRaiyne
I have [18] candles on my cake.
I'm being married off to some stranger because: My Parents think that I don't have the right mind to pick the one I want to be with.
Some people say that I'm: Kind and sweet, but have a bitter side.
I'm getting married to: ___________.
I'm the: Wife.
I roll in this direction: Bi.
I'm singing this song: Snuff by Slipknot.
I'm running low on these colors: Green, Orange.
Oh, and also,: Miranda had just finished high school not too long before she found out her parents arranged a marriage for her. She already had a boyfriend! So, she was forced to break his heart and leave her friends when she moved away, disregarding all of their contact as well. With her new life, she has been on a road her parents are leading, and she doesn't like it one bit.
RPs Used In:
["I Do But I Don't Want To"]
[name] Emily -Emma- Narith
I look like that----&

My puppet master is: ZombiesEatRaiyne
I have :[19]: candles on my cake.
I'm being married off to some stranger because: My mother didn't think I would make it off alone.
Some people say that I'm: Outgoing, Friendly, Sweet.
I'm getting married to: __________.
I'm the: Wife.
I roll in this direction: Lesbian/Gay.
I'm singing this song: Jamie All Over - Mayday Parade
I'm running low on these colors: mediumvioletred, palevioletred
Oh, and also,: Emily likes to be called Emma for short, and she hates her mother for ruining every relationship she's been in. She's quite happy her mother did something useful this time, and she loves anything to cuddle.