Hey! My Name is: ★Michiko Takahiro★
I'm A: ★vampire★
And a: ★Freshman★
I've been living living in this world for: ★13 years★
I've been in this form since: ★March 10, 1995★
Obviously, I'm a: ★Female★
I like things like: ★sweet things ^^ tulips .. plushies★
I despise things like: ★darkness.. lightning and thunder..★
My Dorm number is: ★
Hufflepuff, room 10★
I take:
Day class:
Afternoon class:
2.★Self defense★
Before I enter this school, I've been like this: ★Michiko is born as a vampire, but lives as a normal human. When she turned 10 ,she noticed changes in her body especially her reaction when she sees blood, fangs developed and thirst for blood occur. She likes to draw and play her piano and violin. The color of her eyes always appear to be pale royal blue but immediately changes according to her mood. She was gifted the knowledge and the powers of a royal blood vampire.
She always bring her scythe and calls it "Athena" for the assurance of her protection.
She lived with her true brother, which is a vampire also, named Satoshi Takhiro. She felt disappointed when she knew that her brother knew what really she is. She is the lost heir of the royal family of Takihiro's. When she found out that that the elders of the royal bloods want her to be trained, she accepted it. She was adopted by the headmaster, who is one of her guardians. She said that she will prove that even if she lived a life of a normal human she can rule all the nobles of their clan.
When the elders told her about going to the University of Knight, she promised herself to prove more of what she can do. She also promised to be more sociable to the people she will meet. She is expecting a great year in that school.★
A Photo of me: