I dont know what i am going on about, but i know for a fact that I just needed to update my journal. I need to do a lot of things on here to enhance and fully enjoy my Gaia experience. OH well
Its 0230 and I have to be up at 0630 to be to work at 0700. YEah. That kinda sucks. Again, oh well. I am over at a friends house playing D&D *dungeons and dragons, for you newbs and freaks (lol jk)*.
I am bored though. everyone else is leveling their characters and all I want to do is go to sleep. But my husband does not want to go home so i am stuck here doing nothing but typing away on Gaia jOUrnals.
I -think- that I should just curl up and pass out, hopefully then my husband will realize tHat I am EXHAUSTED and need to sleep. When he has to be up and at 'em early the next morning, if i dont move my a** to his beat i get -kinda- in trouble. Mainly he gets annoyed. But if I want to go for the same reason, and he's not going the same speed that I am, if I get annoyed or mad or w/e, -I- get in trouble. He says that "he doesn't appreciate my attitude". WEll, attitude this, buddy!!!! *make very rude gesture with both my hands to my -loving husband-...
*walks off before i make a complete fool of my self.*
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Okay, so, this one time, at band camp....
I'm not sure what or when I'll be able to write- I'm not always able to get online and update as often as I'd like. But, between rants and raves, I might start doing a story line, like a new post or so randomly. IDK.
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92% of teenagers have moved on to rap. If you are one of the 8% that rock out everyday, put this in your sig.
92% of teenagers would be dead if Hollister said it was uncool to breathe. Put this as your signature if you would be 1 of the 8% laughing.