I love writting :]
It gets my brain working. Which might not sound so exciting...and i`m not sure if it really is...but w/e.
I RP, made my home in Barton. :]
I`m literate. Manage at least one paragraph x]
Don`t really like it when ppl write a five paragraph post with tiny font x.x
Really really hard to read with fonts that small Dx
I usually have my font this big :] or I think maybe bigger...11 maybe?
I write in third person P.O.V.
I use ---> {{ OoC }}
Please keep in mind the difference of OoC && IC.
One liner D< hate it.
I take a while writing, because -as I`ve mentioned before- I have trouble getting thoughts down >.<
I try my best with grammar D: But hey, keep in mind that English is my second language (Though I must admit, my English is better than my Chinese...sad.)
I role play as a girl <3
I don`t think you would want me to role play as a guy...it would be awkward. I`m not so good with writing guys... I think I would most likely make them sound girl-y...that or gay. ^^;
I Don`t do yaoi or yuri. Just don`t feel comfortable with it.
I`ll consider OnexOne, but most likely I would say no.