Chapter 2: Cold Morning, Strange Encounters
Ring! Ring! Rin- SLAM
Vahn rolled on out of bed after ending the life of his alarm clock, and strolled casually stumbled off to the bathroom. He removed what clothes he was wearing and stepped into the shower, dully feeling how cold the air around was this morning, as well as the water that blasted into his face. After a minute with the shower on, and no real discernable temperature change, he realized that this was unusually cold for this time of year.
He shut off the water and stared at the thermometer placed on the other side of the bathroom for convenience: Five degrees Celsius.
"Holy s**t! No wonder...Must've forgotten to turn the heater on last night...But still, it's rather cold for October."
Vahn shivered and wrapped himself up quickly in an oversized towel, taking it as a precaution to survive the cold long enough to rush over towards the thermostat. Upon reaching it, he stared outside the living room window and grinned happily at the image before him. Snow was falling down lightly on the ground, covering most small objects littered around the yard. After a few moments of enjoying the sight, he sauntered off back to his room to get properly dressed for the coming day.
"Nngh...It's already seven? Oh man, I'm gonna be late for the bus at this rate..."
Vahn struggled his short sleeved shirt over a longsleeved one and rushed out the door. He managed to jog down the road towards the bus stop and rest quietly for a few minutes before the headlights of a vehicle were seen in the distance down the road. In mere moments, the bus rolled up to stop directly in front of him.
"Too bad it wasn't enough to close down school entirely...sigh." he mumbled under his breath as he climbed past the open doors and took his usual seat at the back. Before it started moving again, he looked out the frosted window one last time to view his house, though for just a brief moment, it seemed like the familiar terrain of his lifetime was all too surreal and strange to him. After blinking, it felt like nothing more than a small case of deja vu.
An hour and sixty kids later, the bus finally arrived at the high school to drop the remaining students off. Vahn made his way off of the bus and headed directly towards the cafeteria to meet up with his friends. Each of them were sitting around one of the round tables, chatting back and forth with each other like a group of yammering old ladies. First to be seen was Kelly, with her long and highly noticeable purple hair shaped like some anime girl. Second was Erick, a foreign exchange student from Australia, who's strange demeanor seemed almost as nerdy as Bill Gates himself. Third up was Scott, Vahn's best friend since first grade, and the only one in the group with a superb knack for video games. He didn't look like a typical gamer though, due to his rather muscular appearance, but in truth he had won several local championships for many different games.
"Sup everyone....Miss me much?"
Vahn pulled up a chair in between Scott and Kelly, propped his legs up on the table, and threw a sketchbook down in the middle where everyone could claw at like the art fiends that they are.
"I've got new art, for once." He smiled tirumphantly.
"Zoh-my-gawd, No way! Lemme see~!" Kelly ripped it out of Scott's hands and chuckled maliciously to herself.
"hey now...I already had ahold of that y'know...Damn thief." Scott sighed and turned back towards Erick to continue with a conversation that had apparently been started minutes before Vahn's arrival.
"Hmmm....more hentai?" Kelly smiled cutely back at Vahn and whispered to him seductively while batting her eyelashes, "Oh, you naughty boy."
"Hey now, Kay- What have I told you about trying to tempt me?" Vahn grinned impishly, "Stop acting like a succubus...I may not be able to restrain myself." He snagged a small bag of poptarts out of Erick's backpack and tore it open without alerting him. Since he had to skip breakfast to make it to the bus stop, he didn't really have much food in his stomache. 'It'll have to do....Meh, he'll forgive me,' he thought.
"Succubus? Aww...Stop flattering me so much, hun! You know damn well that you've been trying to get into my pants since Ninth grade." Kelly stuck her tongue out at Vahn and went back to searching through the artwork with a content, though blushing, look on her face.
Vahn coughed on a bite of poptart and turned a rather cherry red while looking back at her, Erick, and Scott; as if to protest the very statement. Scott had, however, known this was true, as he was the first person to tell Vahn to go after her. Ever since that day when he finally gathered enough courage to try, he and Kelly had been more than just best friends; though they never actually dated.
"Wha....not even gonna try and deny it?" Kelly chuckled to herself, "Good. Means I've got you on a tight leash, boi." She scooted her chair over close to Vahn and kissed his neck sweetly. "Ah, you know I lurve you kid." She was, in fact, a week younger than him. Though, the reason she treats him like a little sibling, is beyond anyone.
Vahn smiled and hugged her tightly while stuffing the rest of the poptart into his mouth before Erick could notice him munching on it.
"Mrah, brut joo rool mreh, *gulp* remember? It's not like I couldn't know! You won't let me not know." He pretended to sulk for a moment, but went back to nuzzling her neck affectionately.
"Alright you too lovebirds, cut it out..." Erick glared across the table at the both of them. He had always had a slight crush on Kelly since his first day here, but once he found out that her and Vahn were quite an item, jealosy seemed to take root.
"Hey now, wait! Those, are...wha....Those my poptar-"
Ring! Ring!
Vahn snickered and jumped up to his feet as the schoolbell sounded; clearly signaling that school was about to start.
"Yeah, those were your poptarts! Sorry man, but I'll pay you back for it later!" He ninja'd the sketchbook back from Kelly and kissed her cheek softly before taking off at a dead sprint to his first class of the day.
"Hey, loverboy, I'll see YOU at your house today, 'Kay babe?" Kelly grinned at Vahn and dragged herself up from the table, sauntering off to her seperate class with Erick and Scott.
"Wait a sec...aren't we having that new teacher for English class?" Kelly turned and looked back at Scott inquisitively.
"Um...yeah, I think so. Oh, I'll just ask Vahn after his class is over; He's got english class first anyways. I just hope we get another hawt teacher like Ms Locksford..." Scott turned his head to the side in a daydream and snickered just moments afterwards, stopping only after both Erick and Kelly jabbed in him the ribs with their elbows.
"Hey, Vahnnyboy! Where were you last night? I needed your help, man."
Even before he entered the room, Vahn's self-proclaimed manager, stalker, buttbuddy, and pimp was yelling at him. Vahn always arrives to class early so he could manage a chat with Alex about their gaming and comic plans.
"Yeah? Well, I was a lil busy last night, savvy?" Oddly though, he wasn't in too much of a mood to talk right now. Something just kept nagging at his thoughts.
"Ah, finally get it on with Kelly I suppose?" Alex chuckled and clapped her hand on Vahn's shoulder. Hard.
"Wh-What's with people and asking about us two? It's not that obvious is it?" Vahn groaned and gleamed a bright red.
"So, you didn't?! Jeez, loverboy...You're losing your edge...and it's almost sad!" Alex rolled her eyes boredly.
"Listen, if you don't snap her up for good, I guarentee your firm a** that I will!"
Ring! Ring!
"Yeah, yeah..." Vahn mumbled as he settled into his seat at the sound of the bell. Upon settling down, the principal wanderd lazily into the classroom, almost as if he didn't want to even be there at the moment.
"Alright people," he announced after shushing several noisy students in the back, " As you know, Mrs menian's car crash was highly unfortunate,"
Vahn mumbled over to Alex, "sounds like he doesn't even care...annoying b*****d."
"Yeah, I know...such is life." Alex responded, adding in a sigh afterwards.
"And I know that you're all tired of me subbing in her stead," The principal continued, despite a few muffled cheers from the same crowd he had shushed moments before. "So I have some fairly good news: Your replacement is here today. So, please, allow me to introduce Ms Elizabeth Rauss, from a real Terrene. "
Multiple claps and even a few whistles erupted from the class as a woman that Vahn hadn't even noticed until now, had stepped up to the front of the room.
'Strange' was the only thing that popped into his mind at the time. usually, he has a knack for noticing people and instantly recognizing their face, but this was oddly different.
Moreover, the woman actually seemed familiar to him. He stared her over and noticed long crimson hair, piercing yellowish eyes, and yet again, rather large breasts.
"Hey, V...Quit oggling our new teach' why don'tcha." Alex said, unsurprisingly loud enough for the whole class to hear. Everyone let out a slight laugh, but he didn't care too much. The only thing he focused on was the woman he had met just the prior day. The woman who's fierce eyes met his once before, and again now. Though, this time, she smiled eerily warmly compared to the ferocity of their last meet.
"So, Vahn, I guess we do meet again." Just as quickly as her gaze settled, it changed to encompass the class in it's entirety.
"As your good principal stated, yes, my name is Elizabeth Rauss, and I'll be your new teacher for the rest of the year. I'm terribly sorry about your previous teacher, but I assure you that she is making a complete recovery and that I will do just as good a job as she had."
The principal faked a smile, waved to everyone as if he meant anything to them, and wandered quickly out of the room to get back to his busy job.
"Woah...Vahn, you've already been aquainted with the new teach? Don't tell me..." Alex bit her tongue devilishly.
"No, don't even think about saying it...I did meet her yesterday though...Only she was snooping around that fenced area by my house."
"Ya don't say...That's suspicious activity y'know." Alex leaned over onVahn's shoulder and looked Elizabeth over a couple times.
"Too bad she's a teacher though...her bewbs look great! Bigger than mine..." Alex pressed her breasts against the back of his neck and smiled mischeviously. "Can't you tell...?" She laughed and smiled sweetly while sitting back down in her desk. Vahn didn't really care too much about her being bi, so he came to get used to it in the entire time he's known her.
"But as I was saying," The new teacher sent a sharp look towards the two, almost as if she heard them, and continued on with her heavily rehearsed speech;
"I'm not quite fond of formal titles, so you may call me Liz, Eliza, or Lizbeth even." She looked down at a sheet of paper entitled Attendance List, and marked off Vahn's name right off the batt. She then proceded to mark off other names due to the seating chart imposed by the principal.
"So, Vahn, exactly what kind of suspicious stuff was she doing? I'm dying to know..." Alex fumbled around with a small piece of paper and bit down on her knuckle.
"Actually, there was this pile of strange junk, and me being nosy and all, I had to take a look." Vahn half-shrugged quietly.
"That's it? Man, that's stupid. You suck, hardcore, y'know that? You had me worked up thinking this teach' is cool. Jerk." Alex nudged him and giggled slightly.
"Kinda hoped she was like, a pornstar, y'know?" Vahn's eyes widened at what he saw next, and he made a motion to signal Alex to stop talking, but gave up upon her not noticing at all.
"I'd be all over google for pictures of that...I mean, she's hawt! I would do h- Hey, what's with all the hand motions? She's....right behind me, isn't she?"
'Call it Karma,' is all Vahn thought.
"Yes, I am right behind you." Ms elizabeth stood directly behind Alex, staring down at the both of them with a highly smug look on her face and her arms crossed.
"I believe that you two should stay after class for" She seemed as if she was trying to choose her words carefully, quite like planning something.
"Gah...Thanks a lot, Alex... Like I wanted to be stranded with you later." Vahn grumbled loudly. He was still wondering what was up with the fact that this woman was here. Yesterday, he saw her dressed like some college student at a party, and now she was wearing what looked to be an expensive dress, and a friendly smile? 'This sure as hell isn't right.' he thought.
Elizabeth smiled and wandered back to the front of the room to continue the lesson focusing on writing.
"Aw, c'mon loverboy. You know that if you had the chance, you'd bang me as well as your succubus," Alex emphasized on the last word heavily. She wasn't really lying, however.
"And to be honest..." she leaned in closer to whisper into Vahn's ear."
"I wouldn't mind."
Vahn hesitated for a moment and let the inqueries in his head wander; To be replaced with more urgent thoughts. Namely: Why the hell are all my friends so crazy about sex? Gawd!'
Alex's eyes widened as she smiled with a sadistic intent.
"Ah, I'm just kidding, Vahnnyboy." Her gaze lazily drifted down to his pants and eventually caused her to giggle uncontrollably. "You...actually thought I was serious, hunh? Jeez! I love ya kiddo, but not that much."
Vahn, thoroughly embarressed by the day already, turned away from Alex and glared off in the direction of the wall.
"No...I wasn't thinking anything involving you..." he lied. It wasn't often that he let his thoughts get the better of him, but unfortunately for him, today he felt slightly more vulnerable than normal.
"I see..." She leaned from her desk slowly wrapped her arms around his chest, laying her head gently down on his shoulder. Her eyes were closed as if in peaceful bliss as her breath heavily brushed past his ear in perfect rythm.
"Vahnny...I want you to myself..." Alex nibbled his earlobe softly and chuckled to herself.
Vahn felt every nerve in his body twitch at that distinct moment. It was common knowledge around town that he was easily turned on, but this kind of stuff was ridiculous. He quietly submitted to her will for the moment, entranced by his friend's strange new lustful attitude.
'This isn't real...' he thought.
Alex quickly pulled away and slapped him upside the head.
"What the hell was that!?" Vahn turned back to face her and rubbed the side of his head. She still wore an evil grin on her face, but that expression wasn't alone, as it also had a look of accomplishment accompanying it.
"Aww....I know exactly how to play you. You're just too willing. Easy." She ruffled his hair and sat back down in her desk.
'Or maybe you're just seductive' Vahn retorted in his mind. She'd always been like a sister to him; Nice one minute, and completely chaotic the next. Ever since third grade when she moved there, she treated him like a little brother similarly to Kelly. The only difference, is that Alex was actually couple months older than him.
"So, Vahn, do you know what the answer to number three is?" Ms Elizabeth stood at the front of the room and stared directly at, but through, him.
"Uh, yeah. It has something to do with -mumble-" He wasn't paying attention at all, so he would at least try and get it right by pulling an answer directly out of his a**.
"Uh, no. You weren't paying much attention were you? Too busy flirting with Alex over there?" Alex turned beat red at this point while everyone's eyes in the room turned to face her.
Vahn knew from years of experience, that despite how tough Alex acts, she was still very vulnerable to being embarressed, herself. He smiled all big and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
" know me; I just can't live without muh 'Lex. Us two were made for each other." Everyone laughed, and Vahn took most of the heat instead of Alex. In fact, she even let out a small giggle of her own.
Ring! Ring!
At the sound of the bell, every student save for Alex and Vahn stood up and hastily rushed off through the door to get out of the classroom. The Two who remained groaned and stood up by their seats. Ms Elizabeth walked towards them.
" two think I'm hot hunh? I can already tell this is going to be an interesting year." She laughed and plucked out a small oval box from her front pocket, and retrieved a set of glasses from it, placing them squarely on her face.
"You're both lucky that I'm fine with it all...but I'll see you both after school for detention this time." Ms Elizabeth smiled sweetly in a way that sickened Vahn, and brushed Alex's hair lightly with her hand as she passed by to take a seat at her desk in the back of the room. Alex shuddered for a moment, then rushed towards the door; dragging Vahn with her.
They made it outside the room and looked back at each other, both still somewhat confused by the statement that just took place.
"Hey, Vahn? Where were ya?" Scott strolled up from across the hall alongside Kelly, and shot a quick glare at Alex. They never were really good friends.
"Yeah! You were late for our usual meeting spot! Now we only have two minutes left till the next class!" Kelly stood in front of him with her hands firmly placed on her hips. He wasn't surprised that she was worried; She'd always been a bit overprotective of him, like he would shatter if she wasn't around.
"Yeah, sorry bout that...Now I have detention, all thanks to this brilliant smartass over here." Vahn promptly nudged Alex with his shoulder and sighed.
"She had to smart off about the teacher. I personally think there's something wrong with this new teach', but that's just a gut instinct, and it's never been that reliable." He shrugged and grabbed ahold of Kelly; dragging her off down the hall kicking and screaming.
"As for right now, We've got a class to get to."
"Hey now! What are you doing? Lemme go!"
Alex waved them off with a grin and scuttled off to her next class, leaving Scott all alone.
"Aw man...I forgot to ask Vahn-"
("Oh fine...At least don't be too rough with me" as yelled by Kelly from across the hall.)
"If the new teacher was hot. Sorta wanted to prepare myself a bit..." Scott sighed and shook his head as he started walking down the hall towards second period class, completely unprepared for the kind of person the new teacher is.
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