okay today im not going to talk about skating..............i was having an awesome day and then my friend calls me up at 11:30 p.m.......my parents were pissed.
stressed And quess wat they ask.....if i can sleep ova....we'll of course i cant!!!!!!!....duh.....my parents are in bed and i was about to go 2 bed (even tho i can't sleep....but still!!!)
xp Then they call me back at 1 a.m. to c if i wil sneek out becuse my bf is out there at her house askin for me
question .....ummmmmmm hello if u want 2 c me come to MY house not theres
scream ....then he's saying he'll break up with me if i dont go outside.
stare thats jus wrong...i mean come on im tired as can be and ur saying if i dont drag myself out of bed at 1 somethin in the morning and walk a good way to my friends house,u would break up wid me...i mean come'on thats just bizzare. GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
exclaim exclaim exclaim if he's goin 2 dump me ova somethin like that then he's not some1 i want 2 date.........Do u think i should date some one like that??????
question .... o and did i mention i am limpin every where!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
scream scream