Niki's party 8D
Aw come on guys, not in the pool D:


We glow o.o

Tiki party at Niki's house 8D

Random animal noises ;P

I like Dominos o3o

Hangin' at the rallies ;3
Llamas 83

Ninjas : D

Ryan says it all ;D

Our sexiness continues razz

We rawk o;

Me and Kat having a random contest o3o

And now with faces owo

Me and Niki making haters jealous o:<
Cereal war D:

Don't ask x3

He was in the waffle box o:

With Cassie 3nodding

Me and Jen picking on a stranger @.@

Me and Ryan playing rock, paper, scissors ;D ('til he realized I was choosing rock every time. ;D)

Extremely old o_o

My moments xD


Random uh... sightings in the towns...

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