ok i had this realy weard dream i was myself i was adopted my new parents just had twin girls my dad worked for the goverment and was going to use the twins as tests subjects i find out and protest him and he ingored me so i trash the house andrunaway (night now) hes been following me using invisabul drones when i find out that hes fallowing me i jump infront of a passing car bt somthing grabs my arm
i quickly turn arould and grabwhat just grabed me i throw him down and start choking him i told him to stop folloeing me but hes alredy dead iam nowin another town and there still fallowing me l i get a ticket go to a tropical island (dont know where) i climb a volcano that is there and when i get to the top my dad is there he says i cant did that the tests that where done on me would be ruined we argue for 5 minents and then i take out a gun and shoot him then myself and i fall into the volcano and thats when i woke up
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