Appearence:  Name: Kadaj Montblanc Age: 17 Race: Cursed Demon Personality: Kadaj has never been a people person. He can be mis-interpreted for being rude often and is known to walk out of a conversation if it turns to a topic he's not willing to talk about. He can be a bit lazy and stubborn but would be a great friend to have, concidering he's able to weild kenetic arts aswell as basic elemental powers.
Bio: Kadaj grew up as a run away prince from a kingdom on a seperate continent than he is currently residing. He usually skulks in the shadows of alleyways and takes hidden passageways to reach spots that he wants to get to. The Imperial City, in which he lives, is made up of an upper class town and a lower class. He usually stays in the lower class area unless he has business with someone or something. The upper class city is very advanced and has a sophisticated style of living while thelower class is made up of broken brick buildings and destroid cobble stone pathways. He had lost sight in his left eye during a fight with a large swordfighter who, how he claims it, had gotten a 'Lucky shot'.
Starter: Kadaj walked through the streets of Lowtown, a small group of four other boys around his age following behind him. 'Kadaj, when are we going to Upper Town?' one of the boys asked. Kadaj looked back at the other and nodded "Now" he said and broke out into a run. The others cheered and ran with him, soon comming to a large gratting. They moved it easily after Kadaj unlocked the lock and chain around it and ran down the tunnel way, splitting up and going their own different ways. Kadaj followed the tunnelways and came out of a grate in a back ally in Upper Town. He closed the grate behind him and walked out into the street, looking around at the different people walking around, being busy. He walked around, not really blending in with his clothes, but everyone basically ignored him. His blank expression on his face remained constant, showing no sign of anything he was thinking or planning.
Vivi the Twilight · Mon Dec 08, 2008 @ 01:26am · 1 Comments |