grrrr....this is the second time i wrote this! (first time i accidently deleted it!) anyway.... i'm going to write (again) about my addictions...
1. Soda, Pop, most liquids that come in cans! (you get the point!)
2. sleep....zzzz....etc....
3. friends! (I can never have enough!)(this might be #1 actually idk...)
they're really fun to annoy!> biggrin (yea i know that's bad)
4. music (love it, live it, ) whether i'm listening, dancing, singing, or playing, (but it better be good cause if it isn't then love turns to hate!)
5. movies I'm always reciting quotes at random moments and then start laughing (my friends laugh too only cause i am. they say my laugh is cute! LIARS! RAWR!) anyways....
6. books.... actually it ties with movies. I love them! whether it's twilight or harry potter or good manga! I mean this is like the thrid time i've read the harry potter series! sad huh? but u can never get enough twilight! i hope she publishes that midnight sun book! (EDWARD! <3)
7. Food (it might be an earlier addiction) but i love it! it's soooo good! i seriously don't understand how people can not eat! seriously! but it's not like i gorge myself! i'm not fat or anything! (i think i have a high metabolism or something)
8. The computer! seriously whenever i turn it on ill be on it for hours! or until the battery dies...then i go get a charger and stay on for a couple more hours.... but i'm not kidding! i mean for example right now it's 5 am! i've been on since midnight! soooo sad! (not really!)
anyways.....yeah.....that's about it.... there might be more and i'll add that later i guess but until then... those are my top addictions! YAY! biggrin GO ADDICTIONS! WHOOOooo...
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LightxL XD