Draw Me a Sheep
Okay, maybe not a sheep, but I do want you to draw me something.
In early middle school I took a French class, with a not so impressive teacher. She did however, have a class set of Le Petit Prince, or The Little Prince, that we read as part of the course. Being the dork I was (am?), I was one of the few in the class who liked it at all. Either way, our teacher explained, "I don't expect you to understand the book completely right now but, as you grow older and come back to the book, I promise you will find more meaning in it."
It's a ******** children's book, what's there to undersand? Right?
No.. not quite. It's contents are more profound than most would think at first glance. Like an elephant inside a boa, or a sheep in a box. In the end, that teacher was right, and I've come to really appreciate the book.
The Project
I don't consider this my project but, everyones project. I am simply a collector.
What I want is to make a art collection of the Little Prince himself. What I want are people that have read and enjoyed the book enough to enjoy drawing him in their own way, their style, their feeling, their view. Maybe it doesn't have to be the Prince, but that's what I'm aiming for.
Commissions are not out of the question, we can work something out.
So, if you're interested, drop me a line~ =]