Anyway, that's just a warning, so I'm just gonna make this Entry 21 and 22.
What I really want to talk about is sleep and stalkers.
First of all, sleep.
I've been really sleeping late these past few weeks.
I mean, this week, I'm actually feeling the effects.
I'm so tired.
This morning, I really was tired.
I'm afraid that I keep this up, my eye sight will be as worse as ever.
After all, these eyeglasses are new, so eyesight would be essential to have.
Even my friends said I looked so tired today.
I actually slept on the bus, which I never do, since I'd rather be singing songs from an iPod and talk.
My day was simply tiring, but I tried to be as energetic as I could.
Today, I literally came home around 4 and slept the whole afternoon until I woke up near 8:40.... That's, like, 4 hours and 40 minutes, dude.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
I'm slacking off...more than usual, and it's causing me to do my homework and sleep very late.
If anyone has any tips on sleeping, please feel free to tell me.
I used to sleep fine, but now I'm not.
It's just terrible, but I know I have to manage my time and stuff....
See? It's already 11:37 and I'm still not done with my homework.
I should get one of those stuffed sheep pillows from Bath and Body Works. xd

Anyway, the other thing I wanted to tell you about was a stalker.
So, I was at my Aikido classes last night.
If you have know idea what Aikido is, just look it up.
It's a form of martial arts related to kendo techniques that have to do with body movement as a whole.
Anyway, um...
I was sparring with this older girl named Christie/Christy.
I'm not sure which way to spell it, but she was cool.
But back to the subject.
There were these three kids outside the room.
And so, they were looking at us.
And Christy's like, "That boy needs to go away!"
And I'm like, "I know. Stalkerrrrrrrrr."
So, he kept staring for the past 15 minutes, I suppose.
It was really creepy.
Finally, he went away...
BUT he actually CAME into the classroom.
People are free to watch us spar, but this kid was just...
I was like, "You know what I should do to make him go away?"
And Christy was like, "What?"
"I bet if I throw a muffin at him....he'll go away." XD
Anyway, yeah.
My week's been Hell.
But two weeks ago was my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY.
Just wanted to tell you that. Okay.
I'm tired.
I'll post another entry again randomly.
Bye bye.
Community Member
Especially the homework thing, I tell myself I'm gonna do it at so and so time and I don't, then i just keep putting it off.
My sleeping problem was just solved though, I got back from the doctor's oday and apparently I have a low iron level in my blood. x.x
I doubt that's the problem though, so all I say is stop before it gets worse. gonk