School, as usual today was the mark of another day. Nothing big or exciting to report. Though I am excited that a friend of mine is transferring into my classes after getting into a fight in her math class. That's new I guess. If you are wondering why my subject title happens to be ABC's and Leaf Rubbings, my art teacher is at fault. I, being the one interested enough in art to spend to class periods with the pushover art teacher whom does not use a cell phone and uses a computer merely for looking up pictures to help the class brainstorm ideas for the art projects we are assigned and have the class never does, have been party annoyed with his choice's of our recent art assignments. The one we had today was a leaf rubbing collage and yesterday's was writing the alphabet in block letters and coloring them in. I don't mean to complain but to be honest it's pretty pathetic. Anyway, I guess that's all for today. Bye.