My Results:

Angel Of Hope And Light You are the Angel Of Hope and Light! You are very spirital and you seem lost in the real world. You don`t know your true place and you probably never will. Your soul shines within the stars of the night sky.
Are you An Angel Or a Devil?
My Results:

Little Angel You are an angel, halo, wings, and all!
You Are Not a Cheapskate

When it comes to money, you're very fair.
You're generous when you can be, and you never cheat anyone out of what they deserve.
If you have the money, you enjoy splurging. But you never overspend.
Are You a Cheapskate?
What Your Cupcake Says About You

At parties, you tend to be a social butterfly. You enjoy making conversation and making sure everyone is having fun.
You hardly have any restraint. You only hold yourself back when absolutely necessary.
The most important thing in your life is fun.
You are laid back, flexible, and easy to get along with. To know you is to care for you.
The Cupcake Test
You Are a Snowman

Friendly and fun, you enjoy bringing holiday cheer to everyone you know!
What Christmas Ornament Are You?
You Are a Very Good Girl

You are 100% Good and 0% Bad
You're a perfect angel - almost impossibly so
Don't you ever feel like being a little bad?!?
Are You a Good Girl or a Bad Girl?
You Are 4% Evil

You are good. So good, that you make evil people squirm.
Just remember, you may need to turn to the dark side to get what you want!
How Evil Are You?
You Are a Cat

You are very independent and reclusive. No one really understands you, and you like it that way!
You are quite clever and ingenious. You can get yourself out of any sticky situation.
You are confident and cool tempered. You know you have many advantages and resources to draw from.
No matter what life throws at you, things always seem to work out your way.
What Animal Are You?
You Should Have a Silver Christmas Tree

For you, the holidays represent a time of glamour and sophistication.
You love to make things fancy - whether it's having classy decorations or upscale cocktails.
While you aren't very traditional, you like your holidays to have a retro feel.
You prefer to have a few decorations that have stood the test of time. You're not big on disposable junk.
Your silver tree would look great with: Simple, bold ornaments
You should spend Christmas Eve watching: Eyes Wide Shut
What you should bake for Santa: Homemade cookies. You're not the type to wear an apron.
What Color Christmas Tree Should You Have?
You Are a Persian Cat

You are very high-maintenance, at least as far as keeping up your appearance goes.
But you're surprisingly low-maintenance in every other aspect of your life.
You are peaceful and sweet tempered. People enjoy your company.
You are loving and a good companion, but it takes you a while to trust people.
What Breed of Cat Are You?
You Are Cheerios

Like other Cheerios eaters, you want to be a responsible adult.
But you can't help but still be a kid at heart!
You try to make good decisions. You're a clean cut, conscientious person.
You're the type of person who would never skip breakfast.
Part of you thinks that breakfast is too important to miss...
But a bigger part of you knows it's too fun to miss!
What Kind of Cereal Are You?
You Are a Pear

You are independent, intelligent, and a free thinker.
You can accomplish great things, especially when you do them on your own.
You are direct, honest, and sometimes even a bit brutal.
There's not much that gets in the way of you and your ambition.
While you are hard nosed, you do have a much sweeter side to you.
It takes times for you to soften toward someone, but once you do, you'll be their friend for life.
What Type of Fruit Are You?
You Are a Gingerbread House

A little spicy and a little sweet, anyone would like to be lost in the woods with you.
What Holiday Food Are You?
You Are Sunrise

You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary.
You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward.
Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts.
All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be.
What Time Of Day Are You?
You Should Own a Yorkshire Terrier

Lively, sweet, and easy to carry.
What Kind of Dog Should You Have?
You Are a Glazed Donut

Okay, you know that you're plain - and you're cool with that.
You prefer not to let anything distract from your sweetness.
Your appeal is understated yet universal. Everyone dig you.
And in a pinch, you'll probably get eaten.
What Donut Are You?
I LOVE GLAZED DONUTS! Their so yummy!
You Are a Strawberry Shake

You are a truly sweet person... but not too sweet.
You're a little too sassy and funky to be considered a sweetheart.
You love to flirt and tease. And people love the attention you give them.
You are a true extrovert, and you make new friends easily.
What Flavor Shake Are You?
You Are 20% Shy

You aren't shy at all, in fact, you're quite outgoing.
You are comfortable in almost any social situation, no matter how awkward or difficult it may be.
You can make conversation easily, and you know how to focus on other people.
If anything, you're the type of person who can put someone shy at ease.
How Shy Are You?
You Are Banana Pocky

Your attitude: fun and lighthearted
Unique and unforgettable
You are cutie everyone falls for
What Flavor Pocky Are You?
You Are 0% Emo

You're the furthest thing from emo. Sensitivity is not something you exactly cultivate... and you can't imagine weeping over song lyrics.
Are You Emo?
Princess Ball Gown

You want prom to be one of the most romantic experiences of your life. For you, it's tradition all the way!
What's Your Prom Style?
Your Snow Test Says You're Agreeable

You feel like something good will happen to you eventually, but not soon.
You love to work, especially when work is physical. You do well in any job, as long as you're not stuck in an office.
You are a cooperative, agreeable person. You enjoy the company of others, and you enjoy compromising for the good of the group.
Your biggest worry in your life is your health. You tend to be a bit of a hypochondriac.
When it comes time to relax, you have difficulty relaxing. You are a bit high strung.
The Snow Test
You Are a Winter Person

You are calm, serious, and focused.
You're the type of person who appreciates the quiet and calm.
Winter is the perfect time for you to get cozy and work on a hobby.
Summer is a bit too hectic for you. You like the dead of winter... preferably with a roaring fire inside.
Are You a Winter Person or a Summer Person?
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