You have a few more phobias than the average person. And you're sometimes developing new ones.
Try to chill out and conquer some of your phobias. Facing your fears is the only way to get rid of them.
How Phobic Are You?
Your Kisses Are Cool and Mild

You aren't exactly the most passionate kisser. You prefer a kiss to be short and sweet.
And while your kissing style is cute, it does come off as a little inexperienced.
The best way to become a better kisser? Lots and lots of practice!
How Hot Are Your Kisses? .. o_0
Your Rapper Name Is...

EZ Supastar
What's Your Rapper Name?
You Are the Superego

While some people may think first and act later... you often don't act at all.
You rather be safe than sorry, and you take ethics pretty seriously.
Like everyone, you have some pretty crazy desires. But unlike everyone, you restrain yourself.
You have high standards for your own behavior. And you happily exceed them.
Are You Id, Ego, or Superego?
You Are a Believer

You definitely believe in God - and you're very unwavering in your religious beliefs.
In fact, religion and spirituality are definitely big parts of your life.
Religion shapes how you view right and wrong, as well as the decisions you make.
It's hard for you to imagine how your life would be without your beliefs.
Are You an Atheist, Agnostic or a Believer? ... biggrin SO TRUE!! And proud of it too!!
You Are a Key Lime Cheesecake

Unconventional and quirky, you live to shock people.
You see the world in very weird ways. Sometimes you even surprise yourself!
What Kind of Cheesecake Are You?
What Your Favorite Color Blue Says About You:

Emotional --- Affected --- Sensitive
Peaceful --- Tranquil --- Connected
Spiritual --- Experimental --- Deep
What Does Your Favorite Color Say About You?
What Your Favorite Color Brown Says About You:

Solid - Stable - Dependable
Masculine - Comforting - Responsible
Unwavering - Mature - Realistic
What Does Your Favorite Color Say About You?
What Your Favorite Color Yellow Says About You:

Wise --- Aware --- Curious
Intellectual --- Logical --- Decisive
Introverted --- Focused --- Driven
What Does Your Favorite Color Say About You?--- All of these descriptions are me ^-^
You Are 69% Feminist

You are certainly a feminist - whether you know it or not.
You believe in gender equality, at least most of the time. You also believe there are a few exceptions.
Are You a Feminist?
Men See You As Choosy

Men notice you light years before you notice them
You take a selective approach to dating, and you can afford to be picky
You aren't looking for a quick flirt - but a memorable encounter
It may take men a while to ask you out, but it's worth the wait
How Do Men See You?
Your Mind is 71% Cluttered

Your mind is quite cluttered. And like most clutter, it's a bunch of crap you don't need.
Try writing down your worst problems and fears. And then put them out of your mind for a while.
How Cluttered is Your Mind?
You Are Not a Cheapskate

When it comes to money, you're very fair.
You're generous when you can be, and you never cheat anyone out of what they deserve.
If you have the money, you enjoy splurging. But you never overspend.
Are You a Cheapskate?
You Are Lacy Panties

You're one seductive chica, but you've also got a ton of class.
You are like a pinup girl, with timeless beauty and sexiness.
Men are afraid to talk to you, knowing they'll be addicted to your charm immediately.
Only a true manly man, confident in himself, is your perfect match.
What Kind of Panties Are You?
Your Travel Personality Is: Easygoing

When you travel, you're looking for a lot of downtime. Vacations are your chance to recoup.
All you need is a scenic spot and plenty of time on your hands. You'll figure out the rest.
You're not one to make lots of plans when you travel. You just follow whatever path seems right.
What's Your Travel Personality? biggrin So true
You Are a Ring Finger

You are romantic, expressive, and hopeful. You see the best in everything.
You are very artistic, and you see the world as your canvas. You are also drawn to the written word.
Inventive and unique, you are often away in your own inner world.
You get along well with: The Pinky
Stay away from: The Index Finger
What Finger Are You? ^_^ YAYZ!
You Are Jelly Beans

For you, Easter is all about fun and sweet treats. None of that Jesus dying on a cross stuff!
What Easter Candy Are You? .. -_- this is partly true, I dont like easter because that is not when Jesus died , so yeah partly true
You Are Independent Sexy

You drive men crazy with your "playing hard to get act"
Except, it's really not an act at all.
You're a strong, sexy woman with her own life and interests.
And that makes men even more interested in you!
What Kind of Sexy Girl Are You? o_0.. Sweet!!
You Are 44% Manic

You are definitely super charged, and your energy is infectious!
Your mania is something to be proud of. You wouldn't be you without it.
Just make sure not to give into that self destructive streak of yours.
Are You Manic?
You Are Pretty Happy Being Single

You have a full, fun life. And you definitely don't need love to be content.
Of course, being single can get you down a little. Especially when you've been single for a while.
But you know how to be patient and wait for the right person. You're life is too good to settle for anything!
Are You Happy Being Single?
Your Sensitivity Score: 48%

As far as sensitivity goes, you're a lot more in tune than most people.
You can't help but be touched by what's around you - good and bad.
But when things do get really bad around you, you are strong enough not to break down.
Are You Extremely Sensitive?
You Should Get A Butterfly Tattoo

Sweet and sassy
For you, tattoos are a thing of beauty - not toughness
What Tattoo Should You Get? 4laugh That is the tattoo I would get, just a lot smaller xd
Your Famous Movie Kiss is from Romeo + Juliet

"Has my heart loved 'till now? Forswear it, sight! For I never saw a true beauty 'till this night."
What Famous Movie Kiss Are You?
You Belong in Rome

You're a big city soul with a small town heart
Which is why you're attracted to the romance of Rome
Strolling down picture perfect streets, cappuccino in hand
And gorgeous Italian people - could life get any better?
What City Do You Belong In?
You Would Do Most Things For Love

You are willing to go pretty far for love - but not far enough to compromise your core values.
Love is a priority for you, and you'll go further than most people to hold on to someone you love.
But killing for love? Or even taking a bullet? Probably out of the question.
No matter what, you love yourself the most!
Would You Do Anything For Love?.. O_o I would take a bullet for someone I truly loved
You Have Good Manners 59% of the Time

Your manners are generally pretty good. You know how to behave, but you don't always follow the rules.
A little extra effort on your part, and you could be the next Emily Post!
How Are Your Manners?
You Are Betty Grable

The ultimate girl next door
You're the perfect girl for most guys
Pretty yet approachable. Beautiful yet real.
What Famous Pinup Are You?
Your April Fool's Day Prank Should Be

Setting up the office chair tilt a whirl
What April Fool's Prank Should You Play?
You Are 50% Tortured Genius

You are very smart and a little bit tortured. Like a tortured genius in training.
You're brilliant enough to see how screwed up the world is. Just don't let it screw you up!
Are You a Tortured Genius?
You Are a Morning Person

You're optimistic, alert, and full of energy to start the day.
While you would love to party all night, you rather be up at the crack of dawn.
You don't procrastinate or spend time worry about what to do next.
You take life by the reigns, and you like to have an early start.
Are You a Morning Person or Night Person?
Your Life is Better Than 58% of All People

Your life is pretty average, with lots of normal ups and downs.
You're on the way to having a better life, as long as you focus on what's really important.
Remember to take the time to do the things that you like best, and let the little things slide.
No one on their deathbed ever wished that they spent more time worrying or complaining!
How Does Your Life Compare?
Your Psyche is Yellow

You have a ton of energy - both physical and mental endurance.
You are rational and logical, and you can help almost anyone think clearly.
Optimistic and bright, you also have a secret side that's a little darker.
When you are too yellow: You will do anything to get your way, and no one will be the wiser
When you don't have enough yellow: you lack confidence, drive, and humor
What Color Is Your Psyche?
You Are an Okay Student

You know how to get by school, but your heart isn't always in it.
Motivation is a problem for you. Maybe you need to study something more exciting!
Are You a Good Student?
You Aren't a Natural Entrepreneur

But you could be an entrepreneur with some work.
You've got the vision and guts to make it happen.
You just need a little more practice in the business world.
Find out what you truly love to do, and the money will follow.
Are You a Natural Entrepreneur?
Community Member
I had the Okay Student like you did.
I was 48% phobic. (LMAO.) Four more percent than you lol.
My April Fool's prank was to put a fly in my friend's icecube. xD
And I was 55% manic. XDDDD
LOL. Some of your results were pretty funny. xD