{ Mood: PO'd } { Listening To: Mythbusters on TV } { Reading: The fury in your eyes! Ox } { Eating: Nothing ever again } { Scent: Rage and blah }
NOTE (edited two seconds after original post time): Writing in the journal isn't even enjoyable anymore. What the ******** are you thinking with this Arial crap?!
Okay Gaia, this isn't even enjoyable anymore. Now, folks, don't worry this isn't some Gaia rant... just most of it. Why? Because I have no one else to rant to and if you take it to the forums they just laugh at you; both developers and users. Now, Gaia, we all understand you are money hungry and yadda yadda. By the way, if anyone says that Gaia isn't all about the money, point them towards the Kung fu Panda crap they pulled, and if they say their doing it to run the site, point them towards the millions they pull in a month on "collectibles" alone. Point made. Thank you. Gaia: YOU DON'T NEED ALL THIS! You do not need the cash shop, you do not need MTV, you do not need this MMO you've promised since late 2003-ish? (honestly, you really don't), and you don't need this GOD AWFUL layout you keep throwing at us. Anyone could tell things would change when they took our logo. That adorable little Snap-font logo everyone enjoyed; when people saw it they thought, "Oh what a cute little site it must be!" Now what do people think with that awful mesh of what could be considered O's and squiggly lines? "THS SIAT L00KS AWZOM!!11!1!" UGH! We don't need that. Oooo, over 100,000 people are on Gaia. Whoop-de-doo. You're big, you need big things, but you don't have to do this. I'm not alone in this rant: A good percent of Gaia wants the OLD Gaia back. All the cuddly art and bright pink and blue and orange and GOODNESS! This is just getting ridiculous.
Just thought I'd let you know. And all this condensed Arial font going around. What is that about? Where's our Verdana? Sure, some people say, "I like it better with Arial." Well you know what? You're stupid. You just got your human license revoked and you are not getting it back. Gaia came from Verdana, give us back our constant Verdana.
Why does Gaia think they can just up and change everything, anyway? Yeah, websites go through changes but there's a difference. When websites change, it's for the better. What is Gaia doing? Changing for the worst. It's getting ridiculous! I'm telling you all now, in a few short years, if Gaia makes it (I really hope something falls through or their thousands of users stop giving them money), we're going to have 100x100 pixel avatar squares and no "nice" picture at the top of the page and the posting formats will change and all this wing stuff Gaia does--gone. No more wing! No more of what makes Gaia, Gaia. Oh wait, that's already poofed. My bad.
"So Olive, if you're so fed up with Gaia being stupid, why not just quit?"
You know what? Good question. I'm giving them a few days until I can't stand the site of those awful buttons and everything squished together to make room for MORE WHITE and then I'll probably give it up. I have a better website now, anyway. It's classic Gaia--not even kidding. I just can't stand this anymore. Gaia was such a wholesome site and now it's this.... mess! It's disgusting.
I hate you Gaia. From now until forever I seriously hate you. And I used to worship you. How blind I was.
Now... what else is there to say? Besides I'm frustrated with the people who live in my head? Not much. Not much at all. Other than... my leg is bothering me. It's always the left calf. It just does something weird that makes it feel like I've pulled something. I think I stretch it too far when I sleep and it messes me up. It's been a couple days since it's started, but I'm sure it will go away soon. Always does. And then the cycle starts again eventually. I just don't understand why, when this happens, it stretches the pain all the way over to the right side of my body so then the right hip and thigh ache, while it's just the calf on the left side. I hate my body. It's stupid and needs to burn. Whatever. I'm going to kill someone now. Preferably the person, who if she was real, you look through one ear you can see clean out the other side. Yeah, that's how stupid and shallow she is. I don't know what it is with this cast but for two years I've struggled with them and never got deeper than the surface of a rain puddle. I want to write a big "EFF YOU" over them. Seriously.
Olive_the_Monkey_Ninja · Thu Nov 06, 2008 @ 02:55am · 2 Comments |